How to Channel Your Website Content

Channel Your Content

Now that you have created some serious content, what’s next in your plan? Getting people to actually read that article and visit your website! There’s nothing worse than starting a blog and the only people that read it are yourself, your significant other, and your mom. It’s enjoyable to write, but only if your article actually gets read and has an impact on you reaching your goals.
And it may sound funny, but I think this social media thing it might just stick around for a while.

Whether it’s Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Google Plus, or any other social networking sites, getting people to help spread the word and endorse your blog is of vital importance nowadays.
Producing great content is essential, but the next step is to get the people who are reading your materials to share it.

One good example of a blog that reversed the roles on the whole content/channeling thing is Ben Bruno. If you read Ben’s initial blogs, you can see that there was no great effort applied.
Instead, he created two blog posts per week. He evaluated his favorite fitness blogs for the first and for the second, he posted links to his preferred training and coaching videos. This produced amazing results.

With great web design that reflects his style and adequate brand planning to establish a presence, his site was able to gain a ton of traffic just by using the nonspecific content. By linking numerous videos and articles, people were quick to share his posts and as a result, traffic was channeled back to his website. These days Ben creates great and unique content of his own, and that’s only accelerated by his rapid growth within the fitness industry. I think we can all learn a lesson from Ben that channeling can go a long way to help you with brand building and grow your blog.

If you want to start transmitting your content, social media presence is essential. Here’s what I’d start with if I could do it all over again:

  • A Facebook page for my business. As of the moment, 5,000 friends on Facebook, 500 of which I probably know in real life. It is often awkward to use a personal account when conveying your business. If possible, make a personal Facebook account and a second account for your business/online presence.
  • A Twitter profile. At first, I did not like twitter at all but since I’ve found a lot of unique and interesting people on there that I probably would not have found had it not been for Twitter, I am now very adept to the app.
  • A Google Plus page is also very helpful for your business.
  • A YouTube page to post and share video content that I enjoy

I’m sure there are still numerous social media services out there that I missed. But for starters, I recommend that you master the basics first and the social media avenues that will give you the most bang for your buck.

Make it Consistent

If you want your blog to see continued success and traffic coming in, you have to keep writing!
Whether you are having a Good day, a bad day, and anything in between, you have to be aggressive in your consistency. Zach Moore, an IFAST coach, once asked me about his blog. He told me he had tons of ideas and wanted to write a bunch of them all at once. I advised him to limit one post per week. He could write as many as he wanted at once but he should only post one per week. I explained the thought that blogs are really easy to start, especially when the enthusiasm is high. But what happens when you get busy or you get a mental block? Your blog slows to a crawl, and eventually, stops altogether. Maintaining a fitness blog isn’t easy. It takes hard work, time and dedication. In times when your ideas evaporate, you can make use of the unpublished articles you saved to keep the momentum of your blog flowing.

However, if you keep yourself engaged within the industry, your blog will become an extension of your life journey. The more you learn and grow, the more you’ll want to share your experiences with your fans and readers.


To sum up the answer to the real question, the three steps that can make a fitness blog successful are developing great content, channeling it via social media, and doing it consistently for a long time. You can get additional tools such as use an AdWords agency Melbourne to really push your blog and develop a strong brand positioning strategy that will last.

That may not be the supernatural answer you were looking for, but I can guarantee with 100% assurance that if you follow this approach, your blog will be successful.

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