Elevate Your Brand and Online Presence

In today’s competitive landscape, effectively utilising terminology tools and leveraging the SEI tool can significantly enhance your brand’s visibility and reputation. Establishing a compelling online presence is essential for businesses seeking to connect with their audience and stand out. A strong brand fosters customer loyalty and positions you as an industry leader. By focusing on strategic branding and innovative approaches, you can create a lasting impression that resonates with consumers. Embracing the right tools and strategies allows you to navigate the digital world confidently. In this article, we will discuss seven key aspects of elevating your brand and enhancing your online presence.

Establish a Distinct Brand Identity

the SEI tool

Your brand’s identity serves as the cornerstone of your online presence, encompassing elements such as your logo, color palette, typography, and overall design approach. Consistency across all digital platforms is essential. Your branding elements should be unified on your website, social media channels, and email newsletters. A well-defined brand identity boosts recognition and builds trust with your audience. It’s important to invest time in crafting a unique identity that reflects your values and mission, leaving a lasting impression on your target market.

Regularly Monitor Your Online Reputation

In today’s interconnected world, your brand’s reputation holds significant sway over your success. It’s crucial to consistently keep an eye on the conversations about your company online. Leveraging tools such as social media monitoring platforms and review sites can help you stay informed about customer feedback and mentions. Timely responses to negative comments or reviews are vital; addressing concerns in a professional manner can help minimize damage and showcase your dedication to customer satisfaction. Proactively managing your online reputation can help cultivate a positive image and nurture enduring connections with your audience.

Engage Meaningfully with Your Audience

Developing a loyal customer base relies on engaging effectively. Engage with your audience on social media, be responsive to comments and messages, and take part in relevant online communities. Demonstrate genuine interest in your customers’ needs and feedback. By establishing authentic connections, you can nurture brand advocates who support and protect your business from negativity. Consistently sharing updates, asking questions, and seeking feedback fosters a sense of community, making customers feel appreciated and listened to.

Produce High-Quality, Relevant Content

Valuable and engaging content is essential in the digital space. To captivate your audience, focus on producing informative articles, compelling videos, captivating visuals, and impactful social media posts. Each format provides unique opportunities to connect with your followers. By consistently delivering high-quality content, you can attract new customers and retain existing ones while establishing your brand as a credible industry leader. Regularly updating your content will help ensure its relevance and appeal to current trends, maintaining your audience’s interest.

Implement Robust Security Protocols

Protecting your brand is not limited to managing its reputation; it also involves securing your online platforms. Ensure that your website and digital assets are fortified against cyber threats. Utilise secure and memorable passwords, set up multi-factor authentication, and routinely check for updates on all applications and extensions. Investing in reliable web hosting services and utilising a content delivery network (CDN) can enhance security. By prioritising online safety, you protect your data and your customers’ sensitive information, reinforcing their trust in your brand.

Optimise Your Online Presence for Search Engines

Optimising your search engine plays a critical factor in enhancing your online visibility. Start by conducting thorough keyword research to pinpoint the phrases and terms your target audience uses. Integrate these keywords thoughtfully into your content, metadata, and website structure to elevate your search engine rankings. This strategic approach will help amplify your online presence and draw in more visitors. A well-optimized website not only attracts organic traffic but also bolsters your brand’s credibility and establishes you as an industry authority. It’s important to regularly reassess your SEO strategies to adapt to algorithm changes and evolving user behavior, ensuring that your brand remains easily discoverable.

Stay Ahead of Industry Trends

The digital landscape is constantly changing, so it’s important to stay updated on industry trends and emerging technologies. Keep an eye on shifts in consumer behavior, market developments, and competitive strategies. Adapting your approach to align with these changes will help you stay relevant and maintain leadership in your sector. Embracing innovation and being open to new ideas keeps your brand competitive and positions it as a forward-thinking entity that responds effectively to market dynamics.

Concentrating on these seven key aspects can protect your brand and establish a commanding online presence. The journey requires a commitment to consistency, engagement, and adaptability. Start implementing these strategies today, and you’ll see your brand thrive and become a leader in the digital landscape.

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Checklist for NBN Lead-In Cable Installation

In today’s digitally connected world, a reliable internet connection is essential. This means ensuring a smooth and effective NBN (National Broadband Network) installation for many Australians. The NBN lead-in cable installation is central to this process and serves as the critical link between your home and the broader NBN infrastructure. To help you navigate this crucial step, we have compiled the ultimate NBN lead-in cable installation checklist, ensuring you are well-prepared and informed.

Understanding NBN Lead-In Cable Installation

Before diving into the checklist, it’s essential to understand what an NBN lead-in cable is and why it’s so vital. The lead-in cable is the physical connection from the street to your property, providing the pathway for NBN services to reach your home. This cable delivers high-speed internet, making its proper installation critical for optimal performance.

1. Verify Your NBN Service Availability

The first step in the NBN cable installation process is to check if NBN services are available in your area. Visit the NBN Co website and enter your address to confirm service availability. If NBN is available, you’ll also see the type of NBN technology used for your connection, which can influence the installation process.

2. Choose Your NBN Plan and Provider

Once you’ve confirmed service availability, the next step is selecting an NBN plan and provider. Consider your internet usage needs, such as streaming, gaming, or working from home, to choose a plan that offers the appropriate speed and data allowance.

3. Schedule the Installation

After selecting a provider and plan, schedule an installation appointment. NBN Co or your service provider typically provides a time window for the technician’s visit. Ensure you or someone else is available at the property to grant access and discuss any specific installation requirements.

4. Prepare Your Property for Installation

Proper property preparation is essential for a smooth NBN lead-in cable installation. Here are some key considerations:

  • Clear Access: Ensure the technician can access the property, particularly where the lead-in cable will enter your home. Remove any obstacles, such as debris, plants, or furniture.
  • Identify Preferred Entry Points: Decide where you want the lead-in cable to enter your home. Common entry points include the garage, external walls, or utility conduits. Discuss these options with the technician during the appointment.
  • Plan for Internal Cabling: If internal cabling is required to connect the NBN modem to other areas of your home, plan the cable routes and placement of outlets.
nbn cable installation

5. Understand the Installation Process

A clear understanding of the installation process can help you better prepare and set realistic expectations.

  • External Work: The technician will first work on the external part of the installation, which includes running the lead-in cable from the street to your property. This may involve digging a trench if underground cables are required or attaching the cable to an existing overhead line.
  • Internal Work: The technician will proceed with the internal installation once the external work is complete. This includes drilling a small hole through the wall to bring the lead-in cable inside and connect it to the NBN utility box or modem.
  • Testing and Activation: The technician will test the connection after the physical installation to ensure it works correctly. They will also activate your service, allowing you to use the NBN.

6. Prepare for Potential Challenges

While most NBN lead-in cable installations proceed without issues, it’s wise to be prepared for potential challenges:

  • Property-Specific Obstacles: Unique features of your property, such as thick walls or complex landscaping, may require additional work or materials. Discuss any potential obstacles with the technician in advance.
  • Delays and Rescheduling: Occasionally, unexpected delays can occur due to weather conditions, technical difficulties, or other unforeseen circumstances. Stay in touch with your service provider to receive updates and reschedule if necessary.
  • Additional Costs: Some installations may incur further costs, especially if extensive work is required. Clarify any potential extra charges with your provider beforehand.

7. Post-Installation Checklist

After the installation is complete, perform a thorough check to ensure everything is in order:

  • Verify Connection: Test your internet connection to confirm it works as expected. Check the speed and stability of the connection in various parts of your home.
  • Inspect Workmanship: Examine the installation work to ensure it has been done neatly and safely. Look for any visible damage to your property and report it immediately if found.
  • Review Documentation: Keep all installation-related documentation, including receipts, warranties, and any instructions provided by the technician or service provider.

A successful NBN lead-in cable installation is essential for enjoying high-speed internet in your home. By following this ultimate checklist, you can ensure a smooth and efficient installation process, minimizing potential issues and maximizing your internet experience. You’ll be well on your way to seamless connectivity with the NBN with proper preparation and understanding.

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Streamlining Global Business Operations

In an increasingly globalised economy, businesses are looking beyond their domestic markets to capitalise on opportunities abroad. However, managing operations across borders comes with its own set of challenges, from cultural differences and language barriers to logistical complexities and regulatory compliance. Streamlining overseas business operations is crucial for efficiency, cost reduction, and maintaining competitive advantage. Here’s how companies can optimise their international ventures.

Standardise Processes

One of the first steps in streamlining operations is to standardise processes across all locations. This involves creating uniform procedures for tasks such as procurement, manufacturing, sales, and customer service. Standardisation helps reduce errors, improve quality, and simplify training for new employees. It also ensures that the company maintains consistent standards of service and operation, regardless of the geographical location.

Leverage Technology

technology one cloud migration

Technology is a crucial facilitator in the efficient management of international business operations. Investing in advanced IT systems, including those for technology one asset management, can integrate functions across global offices, enhancing data visibility and operational control. This unified approach not only streamlines management processes but also supports strategic decision-making by providing accurate, real-time insights. Adoption of technology one cloud migration is also essential for facilitating seamless access and collaboration across continents. Cloud-based systems ensure that all team members, regardless of their physical location, can work effectively together, maintaining high productivity and communication standards.

Localise Management

While it’s beneficial to have standardised processes, localising management can significantly enhance operational efficiency. Hiring local managers who understand the regional market and culture can provide invaluable insights that might be overlooked by an expatriate. These managers can navigate local regulations and business environments more effectively. They can tailor strategies, if required, to better fit the local market while adhering to the company’s global standards.

Optimise Supply Chain

An optimised supply chain is critical in overseas operations, especially when products need to be moved across various countries. Companies should assess and redesign their supply chain to reduce costs and improve speed. This might involve selecting strategic locations for warehouses, diversifying suppliers to mitigate risks, or investing in logistics technology that predicts and responds to supply chain disruptions. Understanding local import/export regulations and having a compliance strategy is also crucial.

Focus on Cultural Integration

Understanding and integrating into the local culture is vital for the success of any overseas operation. This goes beyond mere translation of materials into the local language or celebrating national holidays. It involves respecting local business practices and social norms. Providing cultural training for expatriate employees and encouraging them to engage with the local community can improve relations and facilitate smoother operations.

Regular Training and Development

Regular training sessions are necessary to ensure that all employees, regardless of their location, are on the same page. These sessions should not only focus on operational procedures and company policies but also on fostering a cohesive company culture. Utilising digital platforms for training can ensure that remote teams also have access to the same learning resources and development opportunities as those at headquarters.

Utilise Local Partnerships

Partnering with local businesses can help to streamline operations. Local partners can help to understand the consumer market, navigate bureaucratic hurdles, and offer resources that might be difficult for a foreign company to access on its own. Joint ventures or partnerships can also provide financial benefits, such as shared costs and risks.

Implement Robust Communication Channels

Effective communication is extremely important for successful international operations. It’s important to establish robust communication channels that allow for easy exchanges between headquarters and overseas offices. This includes regular video conferences, instant messaging tools, and comprehensive intranet systems where employees can access necessary information and documents.

Monitor and Evaluate Regularly

To ensure that the efforts to streamline operations are effective, companies must regularly monitor and evaluate their international operations. This involves setting clear benchmarks and performance metrics. Doing audits regularly and feedback sessions can help to identify areas that can be improved and refine strategies accordingly.

Commit to Continuous Improvement

Streamlining is an ongoing process. Markets evolve, technologies advance, and business needs change. A commitment to continuous improvement and willingness to adapt strategies are essential for long-term success in overseas operations.

All in all, streamlining overseas business operations requires a balanced approach of global standardisation and local adaptation. By leveraging technology, optimising supply chain logistics, understanding cultural nuances, and maintaining robust communication, businesses can overcome the challenges of managing multinational operations and thrive in the global marketplace.

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Pros of Proactive Approach in Business

In the rapidly evolving landscape of the modern business world, the difference between success and stagnation often hinges on the approach businesses take towards challenges and opportunities. A proactive approach, characterised by anticipation, strategic planning, and early action, has emerged as a key determinant of a company’s ability to navigate the complexities of the market and secure a competitive edge. Here, we will focus on the importance of adopting a proactive stance in business.

Understanding Proactivity in Business

Proactivity in business refers to the practice of anticipating future trends, challenges, and opportunities, and taking deliberate, strategic actions to address them before time, rather than reacting to events as they occur. This approach requires a forward-thinking mindset, continuous market analysis, and the flexibility to adapt strategies in response to emerging insights.

The Benefits of a Proactive Approach

Competitive Advantage

technology one cloud migration

Proactive companies often outperform their reactive counterparts by staying ahead of the changing industry trends and customer expectations. By anticipating market shifts and innovating accordingly, these businesses can increase their market share and solidify their leadership position.

Risk Mitigation

A proactive approach aids in identifying potential risks and vulnerabilities early, allowing businesses to develop contingency plans and mitigate risks before they turn into more significant problems. This can protect against financial losses, reputational damage, and operational disruptions.

Enhanced Decision-Making

Proactivity fosters a culture of informed decision-making. By continuously monitoring the business environment and evaluating potential future scenarios, companies can make more informed, strategic decisions that are in line with their long-term objectives.

Improved Agility and Flexibility

In a dynamic business landscape, the ability to adapt to changing circumstances is important. Proactive businesses are better positioned to adapt to new trends, technologies, and regulatory changes, maintaining their relevance and competitiveness.

Strengthened Customer Relationships

Understanding and anticipating customer needs and preferences allows businesses to deliver innovative solutions and personalised experiences. This not only enhances customer satisfaction but also fosters loyalty and encourages repeat business.

Implementing a Proactive Business Strategy

Fostering a Forward-Thinking Culture

Creating a culture that values and encourages proactive behaviour is crucial. This involves empowering employees to identify opportunities for improvement, innovate, and take initiative within their roles.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

Staying informed about industry trends, customer behaviours, and technological advancements is essential for proactivity. Regular training sessions, attending industry conferences, and leveraging market research can keep a business at the forefront of innovation.

Strategic Planning and Flexibility

Developing a strategic plan with clear objectives and performance indicators is vital. However, flexibility should be built into this plan to allow for adjustments based on new information or changes in the business environment.

Investing in Technology

Investing in technology is pivotal for enabling a proactive approach in the business landscape. By integrating technology one asset management systems, companies can gain insightful data analytics that propel strategic planning and improve operational efficiencies. Embarking on technology one cloud migration also represents a strategic move towards enhancing business agility. Migrating to the cloud not only ensures data is more secure and accessible but also facilitates better collaboration and innovation, allowing businesses to respond swiftly to emerging opportunities and challenges. Through these strategic technology investments, businesses position themselves to better predict future trends and adapt their strategies accordingly, thereby maintaining a competitive edge in a rapidly evolving market.

Challenges and Considerations

While the benefits of a proactive approach are clear, businesses may face challenges in its implementation. These can include resistance to change within the organisation, the difficulty of accurately predicting future trends, and the potential for overextension in the pursuit of new opportunities. Therefore, while adopting a proactive stance, businesses must remain grounded in realistic assessments of their capabilities and the external environment.

All in all, the importance of a proactive approach in business cannot be overstated. In an era that has rapid technological advancements, shifting consumer expectations, and intense competition, the ability to anticipate and strategically respond to future challenges and opportunities is a significant determinant of success. The transition from a reactive to a proactive stance may be challenging, but the rewards—sustained growth, competitive advantage, and resilience in the face of adversity—make it a worthwhile endeavour for any business committed to long-term success.

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Key Qualities Shared by Strong Brands

In an ever-evolving market environment where consumer preferences shift as swiftly as the winds of change, strong brands manage to weather the storm, sailing smoothly towards long-term success. These brands, irrespective of their industry, share a constellation of key qualities that enable them to stand out, resonate with consumers, and endure. Here, we will delve into the core attributes that are synonymous with strong brands, offering insights into how they cultivate loyalty, drive value, and create a lasting impact.

Distinct Identity

At the heart of every strong brand lies a distinct identity. This is more than just a memorable logo or a catchy tagline; it’s the essence of what the brand stands for. A distinct brand identity is a blend of visual, verbal, and emotional elements that together convey a clear and consistent message to the audience. This identity resonates with consumers on a personal level, making the brand easily recognisable and differentiating it from the competitors.


digital marketing agency

Consistency is an important quality that holds a brand together. Strong brands are unwavering in their message, tone, and visual presentation across all platforms. Whether it’s in-store experience, digital presence, or advertising, consistency ensures that consumers receive the same brand experience wherever they encounter it. This fosters trust and reliability, two pillars upon which brand loyalty is built.

Emotional Connection

Beyond offering tangible benefits through products or services, strong brands excel at forging a profound emotional bond with their audience. They achieve this by delving into the desires, values, and challenges faced by their consumers, integrating these insights into their narrative. This is where the expertise of a digital marketing company becomes invaluable, as it leverages data and storytelling to foster a connection that feels personal and genuine. 

Such emotional resonance is crucial; it transforms mere customers into fervent brand advocates, making them feel recognised, understood, and appreciated. Meanwhile, partnering with a digital marketing agency can amplify this connection, employing targeted strategies that ensure the brand’s message resonates deeply and effectively with its intended audience, thereby cementing a loyal community around the brand’s ethos.


While consistency is crucial, adaptability ensures that the brand stays relevant in the face of changing market dynamics and consumer behaviours. Strong brands are adept at evolving without losing their core identity. They are quick to embrace innovation, whether it’s through product development, customer experience, or marketing strategies, ensuring they meet the changing needs and preferences of their audience.

Quality and Value

The foundation of a strong brand is the undeniable quality and value of its offerings. These brands do not just sell products or services; they deliver solutions that genuinely improve the lives of their customers. This commitment to quality and value creates a compelling value proposition that is hard to ignore, ensuring customers feel confident in their choices and loyal to the brand.

Clear Positioning

Strong brands have a clear positioning that succinctly defines their place in the market. They know their unique value proposition and communicate it effectively to their target audience. This clarity helps consumers understand what the brand stands for, how it differs from competitors, and why it is the best choice for their needs.

Community Building

In today’s digital age, strong brands transcend their physical products or services to build vibrant communities around their brand. These communities become platforms for engagement, feedback, and advocacy. Through social media, events, or forums, brands nurture a sense of belonging among their consumers, turning them into a loyal tribe united by shared interests and values.


In a world teeming with hyperbole and marketing noise, authenticity stands out. Strong brands are authentic in their communications, actions, and offerings. They walk the talk, ensuring that their brand promises are not just hollow words but are backed by real actions. This authenticity breeds trust and respect, further cementing the brand’s strength in the minds of consumers.

Strategic Visibility

Visibility is key in a cluttered marketplace, but strong brands know that it’s not just about being seen—it’s about being seen in the right places by the right people. Through strategic marketing efforts, these brands ensure their presence is felt in channels that matter most to their target audience. This targeted visibility, combined with compelling messaging, maximises impact and engagement.

Innovative Mindset

Strong brands are characterised by an innovative mindset. They are not afraid to push boundaries, experiment with new ideas, or pivot when necessary. This constant pursuit of innovation keeps the brand at the forefront of industry trends and consumer interests, driving continual growth and relevance.

All in all, while the landscape of branding is complex and multifaceted, the strongest brands have some qualities in common that set them apart from others. From distinct identity and consistent experience to emotional connection and an innovative mindset, these attributes form the blueprint for brand strength. As businesses strive to build and maintain strong brands, focusing on these key qualities will pave the way for lasting success and resilience in the face of change.

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The Art of Living Mindfully

In the rush of modern life, with its myriad distractions and demands, it’s easy to find ourselves swept away by worries about the future or regrets about the past. Yet, amidst this chaos, there exists a serene path to inner peace and fulfilment: the practice of mindfulness. More than just a passing trend, mindfulness is a timeless art that empowers us to engage fully with the present moment, cultivating a deep sense of awareness and appreciation for life’s beauty.

The Essence of Mindfulness

At its core, mindfulness is a state of being fully present and attentive to our thoughts, emotions, and sensations without judgment. It invites us to observe the flow of our experiences with curiosity and openness, fostering a profound connection to ourselves, others, and the world around us. Mindfulness has gained widespread recognition in recent years for its transformative effects on mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

Cultivating Mindful Awareness

family time app

The journey to it begins with the simple act of paying attention. In our fast-paced lives, it’s all too easy to operate on autopilot, going through the motions without fully experiencing each moment. Mindfulness invites us to break free from this cycle of distraction by anchoring our awareness in the present moment. Whether we’re eating a meal, walking in nature, or engaging in conversation, we can bring mindfulness to every aspect of our daily lives.

One of the most accessible ways to cultivate mindfulness is through the practice of mindfulness meditation. By setting aside dedicated time each day to sit in quiet reflection, we can train our minds to observe our thoughts and feelings with clarity and compassion. Through regular practice, we develop greater resilience in the face of life’s challenges, learning to respond to difficult emotions with kindness and equanimity.

Embracing Impermanence

Central to the practice of mindfulness is the recognition of impermanence—the understanding that all things are in a constant state of flux. By embracing impermanence, we learn to let go of attachments to outcomes and appreciate the fleeting nature of each moment. Rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, we can fully immerse ourselves in the richness of the present, savouring each experience as it unfolds.

Mindfulness also teaches us to cultivate a sense of gratitude for the simple joys of life. Whether it’s the warmth of the sun on our skin, the laughter of a loved one, or the taste of our favourite meal, we can find beauty and meaning in the smallest of moments. By shifting our perspective from scarcity to abundance, we open our hearts to the richness of life’s blessings, no matter how small they may seem.

Navigating Challenges with Equanimity

Inevitably, life presents us with its share of trials and tribulations. From setbacks in our personal or professional lives to global crises that shake the very foundations of society, adversity is an unavoidable part of the human experience. However, mindfulness equips us with a powerful tool for navigating these challenges with grace and resilience.

Rather than reacting impulsively to difficult situations, mindfulness invites us to pause, breathe, and respond with intention. By observing our thoughts and emotions without becoming entangled in them, we create space for clarity and discernment. This practice of mindful response allows us to make decisions that are aligned with our values and aspirations, even in the face of uncertainty.

Cultivating Compassion and Connection

Beyond its individual benefits, mindfulness also nurtures a profound sense of interconnectedness and compassion for others. As we deepen our understanding of our own inner workings, we naturally develop greater empathy and understanding for the experiences of those around us. Mindfulness encourages us to listen deeply, without judgment, to the stories and struggles of others, offering a profound sense of validation and support.

Incorporating practices such as using a screentime app to manage device usage or a family time app to schedule quality time together can further enhance our connections with loved ones, fostering a stronger sense of unity and belonging within our families. This approach also teaches us to extend kindness and compassion not only to others but also to ourselves. Through self-compassion practices, we learn to treat ourselves with the same gentleness and understanding that we would offer to a dear friend in times of need. By nurturing a sense of inner kindness and acceptance, we cultivate resilience in the face of adversity and deepen our bonds with those around us.

All in all, in a world that often seems fraught with uncertainty and turmoil, the practice of mindfulness offers a sanctuary of stillness and peace. By cultivating present-moment awareness, embracing impermanence, and navigating challenges with equanimity, we can unlock the transformative power of mindfulness in our lives. With each breath, each step, and each moment, we have the opportunity to live more fully, more authentically, and more compassionately. The art of living mindfully is not a destination but a journey of self-discovery, connection, and awakening to the beauty of life in its myriad forms.

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Managing Multiple Businesses Like a Pro

In the realm of entrepreneurship, the pursuit of managing multiple businesses at the same time is both ambitious and challenging. Yet, for those with the vision and drive, it’s an opportunity to diversify revenue streams, explore various markets, and expand their entrepreneurial footprint. However, success in this endeavour requires more than just ambition; it demands strategic planning, effective delegation, and impeccable time management. These are some strategies and insights essential for managing multiple businesses like a pro.

Embrace the Power of Delegation

One of the fundamental principles of managing multiple businesses is mastering the art of delegation. As an entrepreneur overseeing multiple ventures, it’s impractical to micromanage every aspect of each business. Delegation allows you to leverage the skills and expertise of others, empowering your teams to handle day-to-day operations efficiently while you focus on strategic initiatives.

coworking Melbourne

Effective delegation begins with building a capable team and clearly defining roles and responsibilities. Hire individuals who align with your vision and possess the necessary skills to drive each business forward. Establishing open lines of communication and providing ongoing support and feedback are crucial for ensuring that your team members feel empowered and motivated.

Embracing technology to streamline communication and task management across your businesses is also very important. Project management tools, collaboration platforms, and cloud-based software can facilitate seamless coordination and transparency, allowing you to stay informed and involved without being bogged down by micromanagement.

Prioritise Your Time and Energy

Managing multiple businesses requires a keen sense of prioritisation and time management. With numerous demands vying for your attention, it’s essential to identify your top priorities and allocate your time and energy accordingly. Adopting effective time management techniques, such as time blocking and prioritisation frameworks, can help you stay focused on high-impact tasks while minimising distractions.

Learn to delegate or outsource tasks that fall outside your core competencies or require excessive time and effort. Whether it’s administrative tasks, marketing activities, or financial management, leveraging external resources allows you to free up valuable time to concentrate on strategic decision-making and growth initiatives across your businesses.

Cultivate Synergy and Leverage Shared Resources

While each of your businesses may operate in different industries or target distinct markets, there are often opportunities to leverage synergies and shared resources to enhance efficiency and reduce costs. Look for areas where your businesses can collaborate or share resources, such as shared office space, personnel, or marketing channels.

Cross-promotion and bundling of products or services from your various businesses can also create synergistic opportunities and drive additional revenue streams. Consider working in a luxury coworking space where teams from your different ventures can collaborate and innovate together, fostering a culture of creativity and cross-pollination of ideas. If you don’t have the budget, you can look for the best spaces for coworking in Melbourne to get access to other resources that can help you grow your brand. By fostering collaboration and integration between your businesses, you can capitalise on economies of scale and strengthen your overall competitive advantage in the market.

Foster a Culture of Innovation and Adaptability

Innovation and adaptability are essential to survive the intense competition and differentiate your brand. As a multi-business entrepreneur, you must remain agile and responsive to changing market dynamics, consumer preferences, and emerging trends. Encourage a culture of innovation within each of your businesses, empowering your teams to experiment, iterate, and embrace new ideas.

Stay attuned to market developments and proactively seek opportunities for growth and expansion. Whether it’s exploring new market segments, diversifying your product offerings, or investing in emerging technologies, maintaining a forward-thinking mindset is crucial for staying ahead of the curve and sustaining competitiveness across your businesses.

Invest in Scalable Systems and Processes

Scaling multiple businesses requires robust systems and processes that can accommodate growth and expansion. Invest in scalable infrastructure, automation tools, and standardised processes to streamline operations and enhance efficiency across your businesses. Implementing scalable systems not only improves productivity but also lays the foundation for sustainable growth and scalability over time.

Regularly evaluate and optimise your systems and processes to identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and areas for improvement. Leverage data analytics and performance metrics to gain insights into your businesses’ performance and make data-driven decisions to drive continuous improvement and innovation.

With the right mindset, tools, and strategies, you can manage multiple businesses like a pro and unlock the full potential of your entrepreneurial endeavours.

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Making an Impression During the Holidays

The holiday season is a time of celebration, reflection, and coming together with loved ones. It’s also a season of giving, gratitude, and spreading joy. As we gear up for this special time of the year, it’s crucial to not only make an impression but also make a positive impact. Here, we’ll explore five ways to make an impression during the holidays that go beyond the superficial.

Inclusivity and Empathy: Include Those Less Privileged

One of the most impactful ways to make an impression during the holidays is by emphasising inclusivity and empathy in your holiday marketing campaign. While it’s a season of joy for many, it can be a difficult time for those who are less fortunate. Your holiday campaign can make a meaningful difference by reaching out to those in need. Consider partnering with local charities or organisations to donate a portion of your holiday sales to support the less privileged in your community.

Also, include diverse and authentic representations of people from various backgrounds in your marketing materials. Highlight stories of individuals who have overcome adversity or have dedicated their time to helping others. By showcasing these stories, you not only spread awareness but also inspire others to make a difference in their own way. As videos tend to attract online viewers more, you can use social media video services to create meaningful content. Graphic design services can also be used to create engaging pages specially designed for the holiday season. Remember that the true spirit of the holidays lies in giving, and your brand can leave a lasting impression by demonstrating its commitment to social responsibility.

Creating Cherished Memories with Loved Ones

graphic design services

The holiday season is an excellent time to strengthen bonds with loved ones and create lasting memories. In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we often forget to pause and appreciate the moments that truly matter. This holiday season, make an impression by encouraging people to prioritise spending quality time with their family and friends.

Promote the idea of meaningful gift-giving. Instead of focusing solely on materialistic gifts, suggest experiences that can be shared together. Whether it’s a cosy winter cabin getaway, a cooking class, or simply a heartfelt handwritten letter, these gifts create memories that will be cherished for years to come.

Consider hosting events or workshops that facilitate family bonding and relaxation. Encourage people to take a break from the chaos of the season and engage in activities that promote connection and togetherness. By emphasising the importance of these moments, you can leave a heartfelt impression on your audience.

Sustainability: Making Choices Good for the Planet

As we become more aware of the environmental challenges we face, sustainability has become a significant concern for many during the holidays. Your marketing campaign can make a powerful impression by promoting eco-friendly practices and products. Encourage consumers to make choices that are good for the planet.

Highlight sustainable gift options, such as reusable products, organic and ethically sourced goods, or items made from recycled materials. Share tips on reducing waste during holiday celebrations, such as using reusable wrapping paper or opting for digital holiday cards. Consider offering incentives or discounts to customers who make eco-conscious choices.    

Your brand can also take a stand by implementing sustainable practices within your own operations. Reduce your carbon footprint by minimising packaging waste, using renewable energy sources, or supporting initiatives that combat climate change. By aligning your brand with sustainability, you not only make an impression but also contribute to a more sustainable future.

Community Engagement: Making a Positive Impact

The holiday season is a perfect time to foster a sense of community and give back to the neighbourhoods we call home. Your marketing campaign can make a lasting impression by encouraging people to engage with and support their local communities.

Promote the importance of shopping locally and supporting small businesses. Encourage customers to explore their local markets, boutiques, and artisans, which not only stimulates the local economy but also creates a sense of belonging.

Try to organise or participate in community events as well, such as food drives, toy drives, or volunteering opportunities. Share stories of individuals who have made a significant impact within your community, whether through acts of kindness or charitable initiatives. By emphasising the power of community engagement, your brand can inspire others to make a positive difference in their own neighbourhoods.

Gratitude and Contentment: Being Happy with What We Have

Amidst the holiday rush and the desire for more, it’s essential to remind people to appreciate what they have. In your marketing campaign, encourage your audience to reflect on their blessings and express gratitude for the abundance in their lives.

Promote acts of kindness and give back to those who may be less fortunate. Whether it’s donating to a local shelter, volunteering at a food bank, or simply spending time with someone in need, these acts of kindness remind us of the true spirit of the holidays.

All in all, making an impression during the holidays goes beyond the superficial. It’s about inclusivity, creating cherished memories, promoting sustainability, engaging with the community, and cultivating gratitude. By incorporating these values into your holiday marketing campaign, your brand can leave a lasting impression and contribute to a season filled with love, joy, and positive change.        

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How to Create a Strong Business Image

In today’s highly competitive business landscape, creating a strong business image is essential for success. Your business image is more than just a logo or a catchy slogan; it encompasses your reputation, brand identity, and the perception customers have of your company. A strong business image can attract customers, build trust, and set you apart from your competitors. These are five key areas that are crucial for creating a strong business image.

Define Your Brand Identity

Your brand identity is the foundation of your business image. It’s how you want your business to be perceived by your target audience. Defining your brand identity involves creating a clear and consistent message that reflects your company’s values, mission, and personality.

Start by asking yourself these questions:

What is the purpose of your business? Why does it exist?

What are your core values and principles?

Who is your target audience, and what are their needs and preferences?

Once you have a clear understanding of your brand’s identity, you can begin to create a visual and verbal identity that aligns with it. This includes designing a memorable logo, selecting a colour palette, and creating a unique tone of voice for your marketing materials. Consistency is key here – all your branding elements should work together to convey the same message and evoke the same emotions in your audience.

Deliver Exceptional Customer Service

the SEI tool

Your business image is closely tied to the way you treat your customers. Exceptional customer service can leave a lasting impression and build a positive reputation for your business. On the other hand, poor customer service can quickly tarnish your image and drive customers away.

Here are some tips to provide a high-quality customer service:

Train your employees: Make sure your team is well-trained in customer service skills and knows how to handle various customer interactions, including complaints and inquiries.

Be responsive: Respond to customer queries on time. This shows that you really care about them and are committed to offering them the best.

Go the extra mile: Surprise and delight your customers by exceeding their expectations. This could be through personalised recommendations, special offers, or thoughtful gestures.

Gather feedback: Actively seek feedback from your customers and use it to improve your products and services.

Resolve issues gracefully: Mistakes happen, but it’s how you handle them that matters. Apologise sincerely, take responsibility and find a solution that leaves the customer satisfied.

Build a Professional Online Presence

In today’s digital age, your online presence plays a significant role in shaping your business image. Potential customers often research businesses online before making a decision, so it’s crucial to present a professional and trustworthy image on the internet.

It’s extremely important to create a website that is user-friendly and visually appealing. Your website should be easy to navigate, provide essential information about your products or services, and have clear contact information. Ensure that your site is mobile-responsive, as many users access websites from their smartphones. If you already have a website, you can use The SEI tool to check how it is performing online. You can then use The SEI Method to work on the areas that need attention to improve the overall user experience.

Active engagement on social media platforms is also essential for building a strong online presence. Choose the platforms that align with your target audience and industry, and consistently share valuable content, interact with your followers, and respond to comments and messages.

Online reviews and ratings can heavily influence a potential customer’s perception of your business. Request satisfied customers to leave a positive review on popular online platforms. Address negative reviews professionally and aim to resolve any issues mentioned.

Showcase Your Expertise

Positioning your business as an industry expert can significantly enhance your business image and credibility. When customers perceive you as a knowledgeable and trusted source, they are more likely to choose your products or services over competitors.

Here’s how to showcase your expertise:

Content marketing: Create high-quality content for your target audience. This can be in the shape of blog posts, articles or videos that you can put on your website and share on your social media channels.

Public speaking and webinars: Offer to speak at industry events, conferences, or webinars to share your expertise. This not only establishes you as an authority but also provides opportunities for networking.

Thought leadership: Write opinion pieces and guest posts for reputable publications in your industry. Express your unique perspectives on industry trends and challenges.

Case studies and testimonials: Highlight successful projects or satisfied customers through case studies and testimonials. These real-world examples demonstrate your ability to deliver results.

Give Back to the Community

Creating a strong business image goes beyond the bottom line; it also involves contributing to your community and society as a whole. Consumers today are increasingly conscious of a company’s social responsibility and ethical practices. By giving back, you not only improve your business image but also make a positive impact on the world.

Consider the following ways to give back:

Support local charities and nonprofits: Partner with organisations that align with your values and contribute to their causes through donations, volunteer work, or in-kind support.

Sustainability initiatives: Implement environmentally friendly practices in your business operations, such as reducing waste, conserving energy, and sourcing eco-friendly materials.

Ethical business practices: Be transparent about your business practices, from sourcing to production. Show commitment to fair labour practices and ethical supply chains.

Educational initiatives: Offer scholarships, internships, or mentorship programs to support the education and development of future professionals in your industry.

Always remember that creating a strong business image is a multifaceted endeavour that requires a thoughtful approach in several key areas. Building a strong business image takes time and consistent effort, but the rewards in terms of customer loyalty and growth are well worth it.

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The Hidden Gems in Stocks on ASX


Penny and undervalued stocks on ASX hold a significant allure for investors seeking high potential returns from relatively small investments. While these investments come with inherent risks, they also present unique opportunities for those willing to navigate the volatile waters of the stock market. This article will explore the good things about penny stocks and why seeking advice on undervalued stocks on ASX can be a smart move for savvy investors.

Unveiling the Potential of Penny Stocks

Typically priced at low values per share, Penny stocks offer an enticing gateway to the trading world. Their affordability enables investors to diversify their portfolios without a substantial upfront commitment. The low entry barriers also make them appealing to novice investors who wish to test the waters of the stock market without risking significant amounts of capital.

These stocks often belong to small companies with tremendous growth potential. As these businesses expand, the value of their shares can skyrocket, providing early investors with substantial returns. Many renowned companies today, which began as penny stocks, have evolved into global giants, making early investors rich beyond imagination.

High Volatility, High Rewards

While penny stocks may be inherently risky due to their higher volatility, this characteristic can also lead to substantial rewards. The prices of these stocks can experience rapid fluctuations, presenting traders with numerous opportunities to capitalize on short-term price movements.

The key to success in the penny stock market is meticulous research and analysis. Investors must identify companies with solid fundamentals, promising growth prospects, and a compelling business plan. By staying informed about the latest market trends and financial developments, traders can make well-informed decisions that mitigate risks and maximize profits.

penny stocks

The Role of ASX in Identifying Undervalued Stocks

The Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) is a treasure trove for those seeking undervalued stocks with great potential. ASX hosts many companies, ranging from established industry leaders to promising startups. While most investors may overlook some stores, diligent market participants can spot hidden gems that are currently undervalued but possess the qualities to thrive.

Identifying undervalued stocks ASX involves scrutinizing financial statements, assessing industry trends, and analyzing company performance relative to competitors. Seeking professional advice on ASX-listed stocks can also be advantageous, as seasoned financial experts possess the expertise to identify promising investments that may be flying under the radar.

Diversifying Risk with Penny Stocks and Undervalued Stocks

Risk diversification is one of the primary advantages of incorporating penny and undervalued stocks into an investment portfolio. Traditional blue-chip stores, while generally stable, may not deliver the explosive growth that penny stocks and undervalued stocks on ASX can offer. By allocating a portion of one’s investment capital to these high-risk, high-reward opportunities, investors can balance their portfolios and potentially achieve outsized returns.

The mantra “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket” rings especially true when investing in the stock market. By diversifying various asset classes, industries, and market caps, investors can spread risk and protect their capital from significant losses.

Opportunities in Emerging Industries

Penny and undervalued stocks on ASX often reside in emerging industries and sectors with tremendous growth potential. These companies may be the forefront of cutting-edge technologies, innovative healthcare solutions, or renewable energy advancements. Investing in such industries can be highly rewarding for those who can identify the companies poised to lead the charge in their respective fields.


In conclusion, while penny stocks and undervalued stocks on ASX carry inherent risks, they offer unique opportunities for investors looking to achieve substantial returns. The volatility and potential for rapid price movements can be harnessed to the advantage of diligent investors who perform thorough research and analysis. By diversifying their portfolios with a mix of stable investments and high-potential opportunities, investors can mitigate risk and position themselves to benefit from the growth of emerging companies and industries.

Seeking professional advice on undervalued stocks on ASX can be a prudent move, as it allows investors to tap into the expertise of financial professionals with an in-depth understanding of the market. Remember, while the allure of penny stocks and undervalued stocks can be enticing, it is essential to approach these investments with caution, discipline, and a long-term perspective.

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The Benefits Of Using Cloud Storage

When using cloud storage, data is stored on the servers of cloud providers and is available via the Internet. When using cloud storage, your data is at less risk of system failure because all data is stored and backed up on an external device, often thousands of miles away from your location. Depending on the cloud storage you use, your data will be stored on the physical servers of this company.

Any company can use cloud storage as data backup storage, so in the event of data loss, the company can restore backup data from the cloud. In the event of a hard drive failure or another hardware failure, you can access files in the cloud. For simplicity, think of cloud storage security as an external storage solution that allows you to save, share, and view documents online rather than on your hard drive.

The cloud acts as a backup solution for local storage on physical drives. It is a data management solution that allows you to store your data and documents in a secure location away from the office. Data in the cloud protects your important data from loss from server crashes, employee errors, natural disasters, and more. Backing up your data to the cloud is the only way to keep it secure and easily accessible.

The future of data storage will be in the cloud and you can make it part of your business. Therefore, storing data in the cloud can help you be more secure from cyberattacks. Moving to the cloud means you no longer have to manually maintain and expand storage capacity. If your business is growing, a cloud provider can meet your storage needs.

If your business is downsizing, you can opt for smaller storage at a discounted price. No need to plan for the amount of storage you need for a year and risk paying for wasted space or running out. Complex storage needs typically require a level of customization that cloud storage companies, unfortunately, cannot meet.

Cloud services can pose security risks if the storage model of the service you choose does not match the size and needs of your business. If anything has to do with the internet, security becomes our main concern, especially businesses big and small use cloud storage, so before opting for a cloud service for your business, make sure the services on offer provide them with higher safety.

Cloud storage providers provide a cloud environment where two users using the same cloud service can share their data, although few service providers offer cross-platform file sharing capabilities. Since cloud providers use the latest technology, and the best cloud providers offer the highest reliability, they are very reliable.

Whether you choose Amazon Web Services, Azure, or Google Cloud, the people building your storage-as-a-service solution will be better placed to build a robust and secure platform than your non-specialized team members. knowledge and ability. When you work with a reputable cloud provider, you entrust the storage of your data to a team of professionals who specialize in the hardware and software used by the provider. Do your due diligence on the service you’re investigating to understand its security protocols, educate your employees on how to use secure cloud solutions, and follow best practices to protect your data from unauthorized users.

You should use different levels of protection for your credentials and data to ensure that only authorized people have access to files stored in the cloud. With the appropriate credentials, you can sign in to your subscription storage service from any device and access all of your data stored in this secure cloud storage service. Mobility is built into the cloud and all your data is at your disposal, wherever you are. Since the cloud service provider’s application can be installed on multiple devices, such as your company’s computer or smartphone, you can access your data anytime, anywhere.

While data stored in the cloud is accessible, data stored in the cloud is very secure. By using the cloud to store important data, business owners can rest assured that even in the event of a hardware failure, important files are safe. If you ever come across ransomware or any other malware that encrypts or destroys files, you’ll be glad your cloud storage can help protect you from ransomware by offering some backup security benefits, since it’s not properly authenticated. more difficult to gain access. In addition to the benefits of cloud storage for everyday file and information sharing, cloud backup is also an excellent choice for your disaster recovery plan.

Whenever you want to use your computer, you can use it to back up files that may have been stored on external drives or drives. Since the data is stored outside the office of a company that you do not control, you cannot control and configure the data warehouse.

Whether your business relies on Dropbox for file storage, uses Slack to facilitate in-company communication, or uses Salesforce for customer relationship management, you’re already using some form of cloud computing. Cloud computing services range from data storage to functional programs, including accounting software, customer support tools, and remote desktop hosting.

Many companies can benefit from end-to-end cloud services—hosted applications, IaaS, and more—and the transition often starts with storage needs. While many companies are still using physical servers as part of their business models, most companies will soon move to cloud storage. For example, a hybrid system is ideal for an organization that wants to manage corporate data (such as customer files) internally but wants to store less sensitive information with a third party.

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Why You Should Secure Your Data

Data security is the practice of protecting digital information against unauthorized access, corruption, and theft throughout its life cycle. Data security is a concept that covers all aspects of information security including the physical security of hardware storage devices, administrative access control, and logical security of software and applications. It involves the use of tools and technologies that improve an organization’s visibility about where its critical data is located and how it is used.

For a company with many employees and clients, securing your data is important as there are multiple stakeholders whose information is at risk. As a business owner, you owe it to these stakeholders that their private data is protected, so you must employ some kind of IT consulting Service for that added peace of mind.

 This guide examines what data protection means, what key strategies, trends, and compliance requirements exist, and how to address the many challenges involved in protecting this critical workload. We also explain which data security measures can improve your data security and how it interacts with regulations and compliance.

Data generated, collected, stored, and exchanged by your company is a valuable asset. Protection against corruption and unauthorized access by internal and external individuals prevents your company from financial loss, reputational damage, loss of consumer confidence, and brand erosion. The data security processes and technologies used to protect information such as financial or payment data, intellectual property, and sensitive personal information about employees and customers are critical to protecting your company’s reputation and fiscal health.   

Data backup and security

When data that should be private falls into the wrong hands, bad things can happen. For example, a data breach in a government agency could put top secret information into the hands of the enemy of the state. An infringement in a company could put proprietary data in the hands of a competitor or the loss of private data relating to Clients or employees could lead to that personal information falling into the hands of hackers 

Organizations, businesses, and governments must abide by data-protection laws to keep sensitive information secure, accurate, and lawful. Failure to comply with data protection laws, where all organizations are expected to comply with a high level of data protection, can lead to legal action that could affect your business. Companies must comply with changing data protection laws, as the only way for them to ensure compliance with data protection rules is to comply with the latest data protection laws in a particular state.

Recent infringements have shown us that the consequences for organizations can have major legal consequences. People expect companies to protect their sensitive data, and a loss of trust can have a huge impact on the future of customs, the economy, and profits. The increasing amount of data that we store online and the ease of storing data in storage, on sticks, hard drives, or cloud hosting, as well as penalties for non-compliance with strict data protection rules such as the European GDPR and cybersecurity in New York, mean that more organizations have to be careful to keep data secure.

 Keeping this data secure is of the utmost importance for businesses, as a breach of data can lead to loss of brand trust and result in a severe decline in growth for your business. Even small business owners should consider implementing data security through an organization that offers small businesses IT support, as no organization is safe from a security breach regardless of the size of the business.

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What Is Cloud Computing and How Does The Cloud Work?

Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services beyond physical devices. In other words, it involves having or providing IT services virtually. It can also be said to be the ability to store data and applications on remote servers and later accessing them remotely via the internet. This saves you the hassle of saving or installing them on your computer, as all the files you need are stored remotely. When you store data in your phone or computer, you will not be able to access it from any other device as opposed to cloud computing where you can access it from any other device.

The term ‘cloud’ is often used because data and applications are stored up ‘in the air’ on a cloud or collection of web servers owned by a third party. The ‘cloud’ is just a metaphor to help the general public visualise the way cloud computing works. The cloud can be accessed through the cloud computing systems interface software; it can be as simple as using a web-based service which hosts all the applications and files. 

With cloud computing, you only pay for the cloud services you use, this, in turn, helps you in lowering your operating costs, running your infrastructure more efficiently and scaling as your business needs change. This avoids the need, but perhaps if you are looking for a larger solution, you could look at venture capitalists to assist in getting a larger network up and running.

Cloud computing enables you to store all your documents or files on the internet space of the world-wide-web instead of the limited spaces of computer hard drives. For instance, looking at Google Docs, it is a perfect example of cloud computing as a service. You can access and edit documents anywhere, anytime as your information is always at your fingertips. On top of this, the documents can be accessed by more than one person at once to help with the speed of collaboration. Gone are the days of completing one side of your document, to then email it to the other party for them to add their part and wait for a response. Google Docs, as an example, is neither dependent on the processing speed of any laptop nor the storage space of the computer. Its only requirement is the internet because the processing and storage are done elsewhere on their servers.

Another example is your online email account. When you log in to your email account, the contents of your email are not stored in your computer but on the email providers’ cloud. 

We can also take a look at Google Photos, when you have backed up your photos on google, it enables you to get access to them on whichever device you log into. This implies that you don’t have to keep all your photos in a particular device, you can always have them backed up in the cloud – not only for easy access but to save yourself the hassle of having to purchase additional hard-drives or memory cards.

access documents from any device

Cloud computing is a cheap, efficient and flexible, compared to having to spend a budget on computing hardware and software. The state of the economy means that we should be watching every dollar carefully.

Cloud computing architecture comprises of two parts. There is the front end and the back end, which are all connected by the internet. What users see is the front end where they gain access to cloud computing services through a browser. The back-end stores and retrieves the data. It comprises of computers, servers, and data storage systems, which stores all your information. The back end has a database (storage), a central server, a computer network, and a server. The system also monitors the traffic to ensure seamless operation. It also follows a set of protocols and uses a software called middleware that allows the networked computers to communicate with each other.

Cloud services can either be private or public. Public clouds are accessible to any interested party on the internet. An example of a public cloud is Amazon Web Services. On the other hand, private clouds are patented, and the services are available only to a limited number of people, though they have a common end goal.

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How the Internet Revolutionized Art

Asking if the internet is dead is an absolutely ridiculous question, especially if you have read that on a computer or mobile phone. How could a something that we need on a daily basis be dead? Isn’t the internet more significant than it already is? In the art word the internet has made a huge impact, you can see that even an average museum display would be interactive and use technology in some way. The displays can be conventional or they can be as out there as art made from computer parts!

According to the Berlin-based artist, Hito Steyerl, who asked that question in a recent essay for a website about arts, e-flux, the very ubiquity of the internet means that it in fact no longer has any coherence. It might also say that it doesn’t exist at all. “The internet persists offline as a mode of life, surveillance, production, and organisation.” Steyerl. “It is undead, and it’s everywhere,” he added. The internet has already dug deep into society and is hard to pin down. So hard to catch, that it may in fact be nowhere at all.

Steyerl is now the subject of a retrospective at the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London, and also featured in a new exhibition by the institution, Art Post-Internet, that just recently opened in March at the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art in Beijing. This is a significant event because it introduces many artists from the U.S. and Europe to China for the first time. Digital art has been long sidelined in the discourse of contemporary art, is now being presented in the spotlight.

Double Meaning

Post-internet art can be understood in 2 ways. In one meaning, post-internet art is made after the creation of internet art, a naïve tendency that began early in the 1990s. The internet art of those days often evaded galleries and museums and often appeared on the internet and other internet protocols. It attracted the attention of museums like the Whitney Museum in New York but it never really made it mainstream visibility. Post-internet art made simple, was built on those early trials, taking into account new factors like social media, mobile tech or surveillance.

But post-internet art is something more significant than a response to digital technology. It doesn’t take the internet as a medium but instead as a given, even an unremarkable fact of life – and takes it from there. In the recent work of New Yorker Tyler Coburn, for example, the internet digs beneath the notorious “series of tubes” into the most intimate moments of ours. In his project, I’m that Angel, which takes the form of a performance and a book, Coburn narrates the story of a content-farm journalist who chases stories on trending topics like Google and social media. The character loses his sense of self in the middle of a constant bombardment of digital noise. He is presenting his new work in Beijing that uses an audio track featuring Susan Bennett- a voice actor known for giving life to Siri, iPhone’s technology.

In bringing together different practices, the Beijing showroom makes it clear that contemporary art that answers to digital questions has no single message. It also has another value, bringing together museum artworks that often remain outside of mainstream contemporary art. It is great to see a variety of different works appear in museum display cabinets worldwide.

Artists working together in this digital environment that exists in many corners of the internet might get defensive if not nasty if pointed out, however, there is no denying the influence of new media artists, unit now has been limited. An art historian at the Graduate Centre in New York,  delivered the bad news in an article she called “Digital Divide,” published in 2012 and has been a topic of debates ever since. In the ‘90s’ the world wide web was born, and email became the medium, Bishop expected the art world to be changing, but she said this didn’t happen. Interactive real life art has been emerging in popularity in galleries and museums, where technology has disrupted art as a form of entertainment.

The real virtue of post-internet art is not because it collapses the distinction between digital and analogue forms. This is becoming obvious the moment when so many painters use Photoshop and sculptors use CAD software. More importantly, it divulges that the internet is not a magical spell that’s disconnected from all that came before it; it is a fundamental component of everyday life, for better or for worse.

It is argued that the internet does not exist in a rational sense. What exists is technology and technology is not ideology-free. Post-internet art is at it’s best when it recognises that the internet itself is not a huge deal, but what happens around and inside the internet – the economic disturbance, the ecological jeopardy and psychological upheaval – that’s what matters. The rest are just pixels on such a massive screen.

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The Timber Technology Revolution

As we proceed towards a future of more sustainable and efficient developments wood construction will grow more and more a regular alternative for all sorts of buildings. Our learning curve was steep and the approval is steadily rising in several development industries. We’re seeing improved application of wood building in small to moderate density residential developments in addition to institutional structures, schools, hospitals, industrial and commercial buildings. As the ease of construction with timber in conjunction with the largest cranes available makes the build run smoothly. Some constructed examples would be the Docklands Library at Melbourne, International House nearing conclusion in Barangaroo Sydney, together with a lot more in design phases. From the residential industry Strongbuild are building 60 flats in Macarthur Gardens, Campbelltown and AVEO’s present advancement in Bellavista Sydney (10 Storeys) made by Jackson Teece is presently among the most significant Cross Laminated Timber improvements as quantity is concerned. Aveo’s mixture of flats and industrial and communal facilities is a part of a 450 apartment home community which will incorporate an aged care centre.

Since the industrial revolution, the sophistication of buildings and house extensions has been increasing exponentially and has attained new heights using three dimensional computer technologies, for example Revit / BIM, which is now integral to the style of contemporary buildings to help manage co-ordination of solutions and areas, forecast efficiencies, quantify performance, gauge effect on occupants and the environment during construction and also through a building’s whole life cycle. It is now actually an issue of just how much information we want as a consequence more than what’s possible.

We’re aspiring to make more effective, cost effective and sustainable buildings which are healthy for their occupants and render the tiniest ecological/energy/carbon footprint potential. The marketplace is presently creating a giant step towards those goals with a few of the most recent technology focusing on a few of the earliest and possibly only genuinely sustainable building material in the world – timber.

The Way the Natural Home Can Sustainably Resource the Constructed Environment

Plantation woods give an abundant source of wood globally. According to a Yale University Study, the planet’s forests contain roughly 385 billion m3. An additional 17 billion m3 are increasing yearly (4.4% growth) and 3.4 billion m3 is chosen annually (20 percent of new yearly growth). In Australia the whole forested area is roughly 125 million Ha. 2 million Ha (1.6 percent) of plantation supplies over 80 percent of total wood production. Accessible multiple-use public indigenous forests = 5.5 million Ha (4.5 percent). Approx 80,000 Ha (1.4 percent) of accessible multiple use public native forests have been chosen yearly.

Timber has an extremely large carbon storage capability (0.25t of carbon per 1m3 of wood) making every wood building efficiently a carbon sink capable to cancel the building’s carbon emissions for decades of performance. The embodied energy of wood products is considerably lower in comparison to concrete or steel. Timber products also have less water and create less waste during installation and production in contrast to other substances.

How Healthy Buildings Could Make Healthy Individuals

Some studies have connected modern wood buildings to different health benefits such as; pupils educated in wooden classrooms with diminished heart rate, lower blood pressure and diminished perception of anxiety from interactions with educators; decreased anxiety levels and higher healing levels in hospital patients; raise in many interactions between people in elderly care facilities.

Our Normal Evolution Can Affect Our Constructed Evolution

Growth in wood technology has evolved over 100 Decades. From tree pruning comes a number of the wood goods, such as Glulam (glued laminated wood) or LVL (laminated veneer lumber) are well understood and commonly employed. A number of the more recent construction materials and technology we see emerging comprise material systems such as CLT (Cross Laminated Timber) first developed in the early 1990s in Lausanne and Zurich, Switzerland. Reinforced wood beams and beams, pre- and – post-tension wood beams, composite timber-concrete flooring plank structure, new layouts for wood grid cubes, innovative steel connectors for wood construction (especially for tall buildings and seismic applications), are commercially available and used in Australia.

Along with the technological improvements keep coming. Our study uncovered the most recent developments including bright laminated wood lamellas that respond to changes in moisture content and may be used for automatic sunshades without the necessity of any extra controls (manual or digital). Products such as translucent, magnetic and reflective wood may soon offer dentures or boards which may alter their visual attributes, control your smart phone, or let to control lighting, blinds or alternative construction systems by touch (without wiring).

Apart from the reduction in weight, ease of producing with minimal waste creation and simplicity of setup the most critical facet of contemporary timber construction, accountable for the majority of the positive aspects concerning building rate, cost savings, building security and quality management, is the rather large degree of prefabrication.  Home extension builders appreciate the ease of prefabrication and minimal waste creation from the timber used on site.  The Majority of the building construction is fabricated off site in a controlled mill surroundings, largely eliminating danger of price growth, time delays, accidents and quality management problems related to onsite construction.

As we look at the way the utilization of engineered wood in Australia is increasing in popularity, and has been used in much more complicated and intriguing manners than it has before BPN’s attribute on engineered wood delves deeper into some of those technology allowing unprecedented timber building structure.

Technological improvements

New advancements in technology have played a significant part in engineered timber products used more frequently and in much more interesting ways.

A pivotal part of technology that has been created by research consortium, Sustainable buildings of the Future (STIC), is your EXPAN system. It makes constructing standard business construction grids of eight by 12 metres a simple effort for wood, where formerly it wasn’t possible.

The EXPAN prefabricated structure system invisibly post-tensioned tendons into wood to lock the machine together. This permits new ventures in the capability to build industrial and commercial buildings out of wood, with the appropriate crane hire, the construction of any building is possible.

This technology has been utilized at the Massey University College of Creative Arts building in New Zealand to enable the wood beams to bend during an earthquake, in order to resist the floor acceleration and vibration.

The technology has the ability and supply of power to withstand a strong earthquake, where also the long-span exposed wood gives a warm aesthetic into the 3600 sqm gallery, studio and teaching area.

Architect Katherine Dean, from Athfield Architects in New Zealand, says that the wood technology provides us the large, open length frame to get a totally uninterrupted distance with no walls that empowers Massey to accommodate the distance over time to shift with teaching requirements.

The EXPAN system has enabled engineered wood to possess the endurance and strength of steel, however the stylishness of wood. It gives a location for wood in industrial and commercial design.

Interesting time for wood industry

David Simpson from Wood Solutions says that it is an exciting time for the design and construction industry and the Australian timber industry. Architects and engineers have started to view the creative choices and investigating the challenges of fresh wood systems, applications and materials.

One architect that has seen the changes is be Paul Haar, architect of Candlebark School Library at the Macedon Ranges, Victoria. Despite being advised from the structural engineer to the job that the subterranean roof would have to get held up by cement or steel constructions, Haar stayed determined to utilize an all wood roof frame due to the carbon monoxide inside it by the air, its easy workability and possible aesthetics.

He suggested massive post and beam portals which carpenters could fabricate off-site in experienced pine laminated veneer lumber.

Starting with 12m long by 1.2m wide by 35mm and 45mm thick slabs of LVL, they have been shaped and thread laminated into 12m extended by 600mm deep by 205mm thick roof beams that interval continuously finished articles.

No wood was wasted by the first LVL slabs, as cut-offs were torn into 140mm deep purlins that interval between the roofing beams. Structural grade experienced pine plywood has been put over the roof purlins to fill out the roof. It supports between 500-600mm of ground, effectively 2.5 tonnes per sqm, which protects the construction against heat during summer and potential wildfire.

Environmental benefits

By using engineered wood, environmental benefits can be obtained – it’s the only sustainable structural structure material of scale. Tree cutting companies have seen many gains towards the building industry as a result of the cut down trees they have sourced. This is evident from Melbourne’s Forte construction, where a Life Cycle Analysis was conducted by Melbourne’s RMIT University. It revealed the building decreased cumulative non-renewable energy requirement by 56 percent and reduced eutrophication (the source of extra nutrients into the water system) by 75 percent.

The statistics show how important that the substitution of an engineered wood product could be in a relatively compact construction. Increasing their usage across bigger multi-residential and business jobs might have a significant effect on Australia’s carbon market.

Two more wood buildings are under construction in Melbourne – both the Dockland Library and Community Centre, and Melbourne University’s Parkville Campus Architecture construction. Overall, there are a few 20 thick engineered wood – largely CLT – buildings at a variety of phases of preparation, design, construction and documentation in Australia.

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Using Technology in Real Estate

A rundown of the technology which may transform your marketing procedures in commercial real estate in Melbourne, and real estate in general, is discussed below. New tools and technology are allowing companies to efficiently track ROI on advertising campaign spend and enhance back-office advertising and marketing procedures.

Until recent decades, many home agencies have lacked the capability to properly track their property advertising campaign returns or enhance marketing procedures. Consequently, unauthorised advertising and marketing transactions might have taken place, and bureaus might have neglected to regain vendor-paid marketing gifts. These inefficiencies can harm performance and endurance and ultimately undermine a company’s reputation, both in the area and using its peers.

It is time for agencies to steer from antiquated or paper-based methods to monitor property advertising effort return on investment and enhance the efficacy of backend procedures.

Insights and analytics applications

Online analytics tools may be utilized to turn information regarding the men and women who see a property site into competitive intelligence which may be used to target advertising spending more efficiently.

Document sharing

Document-sharing tools can remove hours in the time necessary to provide contracts and other time-sensitive data to sellers and buyers, and get signed copies. They are based off It cloud computing methods and an online interactive system, making sure everyone is seeing up-to-date information.

Campaign tracking

Campaign tracking tools may allow a property company to find out whether e-mail campaigns are resonating with a target market, and make adjustments as needed.

Marketing automation

In the end, automation tools may be employed to streamline back office procedures like property entries and security development, and share pertinent data with client relationship management and bookkeeping systems.

A variety of technologies and tools are available to assist property advertising teams in achieing such advantages.

Picking out the Ideal technology for property advertising

To monitor return on invest in electronic advertising, agencies can monitor customer action using Google Analytics, iTunes Link (cellular), Google Play, Tweetdeck and bit.ly. If you are struggling on using these you can always access business computer support that will help you in tis process. They may utilize DropBox or even Google Docs to scan contracts and discuss them with sellers and buyers. Additionally, they could use tools such as Campaign Monitor or even SurveyMonkey to monitor the performance of email campaigns. Then there is the split between vendor and agency paid invest, which is handled by real estate certain technology like Campaigntrack.

However, with any technology installation, a property company should choose the instruments that best fulfill its business and technical requirements, and involve customers early in the choice and execution process to minimise resistance.

In a climate in which advertising dollars are at a premium and companies can change to different services with comparative ease, the yield on investment for every tool deployed should be quantified and tracked on a regular basis.

These tools must help the teams get more awareness of sellers and buyers, provide more efficient customer support and operate better. Within an environment where property companies must direct advertising budgets across a variety of stations – and socialize with customers and prospects anytime in any place – exploiting the efficiencies of technology is critically important.

Agencies who fail to grab the chance to transform their property promoting risk getting obsolete and losing customers to competitors that do. More than ever, companies will need to socialize with their customers in times and ways of the customer’s decision and nowhere is that thing more widespread than in the actual estate market.

While hunting for a house, customers rank photographs and virtual tours as the most precious assets on a web site. Why? Since they’re the very best tools available to aid buyers to envision what it’d be like to reside in a house.

Floor plans are invaluable, but not all of listing commercial agents cover for them. By way of example, they are common in New York and Britain, but nearly non-existent in the San Francisco Bay Region. The justification is bothersome for buyers but frequent sense for brokers: Photographs are the most appealing and cost-efficient approach to draw a possible buyer into a house, in which the sale is finally made. And also the more buyers a broker can enter a property, the more buyers he could reflect on prospective trades.

Especially exciting is that the 3-D representation of the digital universe to the actual world. Here are a few technologies which are pushing the bounds of traditional advertising methods, and might be a look to the future.


Matterport generates a camera that takes pictures of a space and stitches them together to generate a 3-D rendering. This permits a consumer to walk or fly over a 3-D floor program. It might be especially beneficial for programmers, overseas investors, or even buyers of second homes. Picture quality is a bit rough today, but is expected to improve fast. The cost is $4,500 and is estimated to be available in January.


MagicPlan is a program, made by Sensopia, which permits you to easily produce floor plans. Simply move your cellphone’s camera to every corner of an area and it’ll establish how big each wall with 95% accuracy. You can also set it with a Bluetooth laser tubing to find specific dimensions. Utilize the 2-D model you have created, or you could upload it into FloorPlanner to make a 3-D version. This is very good for buyers who believe a home’s design is very significant, and just like Matterport, it is good for out-of-area buyers. Price is $3 per floor plan.

3-D printers

Chris Anderson, writer of “The Long Lasting” and Wired’s former editor-in-chief, talked at length about 3-D printers in this season’s NAR seminar. He considers that, like your nerdy friends got an Apple II in the late 1970s and learned how to code, today’s children will find a 3-D printer and also find out how to fabricate. This will cause The New Industrial Revolution, as suggested in his newest publication. Concerning property, 3-D printers might be best employed to architects and interior designers that wish to literally find a distance before it’s constructed at full scale.

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Why Your Clinic Needs a Website

If your practice lacks an online existence, its research results may closely resemble a black hole, apparently non-existent and almost impossible to find. But do not worry; you are not getting sucked into that expiring star just yet. The very first step for light up your internet presence is developing an excellent site for your practice. Every website, no matter what industry you are in (everything from selling matches to computer parts), needs a website. All types of clinics need a website whether you are a laser skin clinic or a cosmetic surgery clinic specialising in breast implants Melbourne. This is why and how to create your own site:

First Impressions

When a new patient walks through your doorway, there is a fantastic chance he or she has formed a very first impression online long prior to actually even stepping foot onto your premises, they have already formed an opinion and have expectations accordingly. Thus, what happens if your patients are looking for good old Google (or some other search engine), and you do not have a site? Your practice only will not appear at the search results owing to this black hole I said previously so prospective patients will not know you exist. And I believe we could agree that it is important for prospective individuals to know you exist.

However, what if you’ve got a steady flow of doctor referrals to produce your patient flow? If that’s the circumstance, you may argue against the need for a solid internet presence. However, the reality is that using some type of immediate access available in all 50 states, patients are taking healthcare into their own hands and locating answers with the assistance of search engines, not doctors. Nature is that individuals are using the internet for everything and you could drastically increase the number of patients by simply being present and relevant.

Finally, if the amount of individuals looking for health info online continues to rise and all indications point to this being true your internet existence (or absence thereof) will greatly influence the magnitude of your individual pool. As it stands, even in the event that you presently run with no practice site, you are not only missing out on attracting new patients in your practice, but you could be causing unnecessary frustration and confusion for your existing patient base. You need your practice’s telephone number, address, and other relevant information to be online and readily accessible particularly as healthcare continues to be patient-centric. When it is not, a lack of easily available information may prove bothersome your patients opt to jump starship. Why take that opportunity? In this era, the fact is incontrovertible: Your practice wants a site to bring in new patients and maintain your existing ones in-the-know.

What to and What Not to Do Design Wise

Your site ought to be simple to navigate,using a clean layout and a very clear representation of your brand. It may be tempting to include showy images and bold, bright colours in a bid to make your site stick out. Try and stay away from this, since it may cause people to become overwhelmed so they are more inclined to navigate out from the page seeking a more palatable site. From the name of simplicity, it is ideal to steer clear of gaudy and overly elaborate or cutesy fonts. Google Research further highlights this point that customers are easily lost through unfavourable web design, in under 50 milliseconds, users construct a first ‘gut feeling’ which helps them determine whether they will stay or depart. This original impression is dependent upon a number of variables: structure, colours, spacing, symmetry, number of text, fonts, and much more. Therefore, what’s the moral of this story? Patients will evaluate your practice predicated on its site quicker than the blink of an eye. Keep it simple, and adhere to a fresh, easy-to-navigate layout.

Template Tools and Advice

Assembling a simple, yet powerful, site may seem like a pricey undertaking. And while site design can be expensive, the fantastic thing is it does not need to cost a holographic leg and arm. DIY (i.e., do-it-yourself) site templates are more beautiful and easier to use and of course less costly than previously. Just jump over to websites like Wix or even Squarespace and construct a website from among the pre-existing, user-friendly templates. And should you just happen to possess some fundamental coding understanding, you are able to personalise most templates to match your brand. Not really a computer programmer? No worries. Most templates have drag-and-drop performance, letting you easily control your website’s look. Ultimately, in the event that you still feel as if you just don’t have enough time or desire to construct your own site, get help from a professional web design team. If you are serious about being found online as a highly recommended skin doctor or a well-experienced labiaplasty clinic then work on your search engine optimisation with a professional agency.

Beyond giving yourself a stage to market your services, your practice’s site also lets you foster the growth of your clinic Irrespective of whether you intend on moving where no individual has gone before, you’ll absolutely need to make building a web site component of your endeavours.

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How to Channel Your Website Content

Channel Your Content

Now that you have created some serious content, what’s next in your plan? Getting people to actually read that article and visit your website! There’s nothing worse than starting a blog and the only people that read it are yourself, your significant other, and your mom. It’s enjoyable to write, but only if your article actually gets read and has an impact on you reaching your goals.
And it may sound funny, but I think this social media thing it might just stick around for a while.

Whether it’s Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Google Plus, or any other social networking sites, getting people to help spread the word and endorse your blog is of vital importance nowadays.
Producing great content is essential, but the next step is to get the people who are reading your materials to share it.

One good example of a blog that reversed the roles on the whole content/channeling thing is Ben Bruno. If you read Ben’s initial blogs, you can see that there was no great effort applied.
Instead, he created two blog posts per week. He evaluated his favorite fitness blogs for the first and for the second, he posted links to his preferred training and coaching videos. This produced amazing results.

With great web design that reflects his style and adequate brand planning to establish a presence, his site was able to gain a ton of traffic just by using the nonspecific content. By linking numerous videos and articles, people were quick to share his posts and as a result, traffic was channeled back to his website. These days Ben creates great and unique content of his own, and that’s only accelerated by his rapid growth within the fitness industry. I think we can all learn a lesson from Ben that channeling can go a long way to help you with brand building and grow your blog.

If you want to start transmitting your content, social media presence is essential. Here’s what I’d start with if I could do it all over again:

  • A Facebook page for my business. As of the moment, 5,000 friends on Facebook, 500 of which I probably know in real life. It is often awkward to use a personal account when conveying your business. If possible, make a personal Facebook account and a second account for your business/online presence.
  • A Twitter profile. At first, I did not like twitter at all but since I’ve found a lot of unique and interesting people on there that I probably would not have found had it not been for Twitter, I am now very adept to the app.
  • A Google Plus page is also very helpful for your business.
  • A YouTube page to post and share video content that I enjoy

I’m sure there are still numerous social media services out there that I missed. But for starters, I recommend that you master the basics first and the social media avenues that will give you the most bang for your buck.

Make it Consistent

If you want your blog to see continued success and traffic coming in, you have to keep writing!
Whether you are having a Good day, a bad day, and anything in between, you have to be aggressive in your consistency. Zach Moore, an IFAST coach, once asked me about his blog. He told me he had tons of ideas and wanted to write a bunch of them all at once. I advised him to limit one post per week. He could write as many as he wanted at once but he should only post one per week. I explained the thought that blogs are really easy to start, especially when the enthusiasm is high. But what happens when you get busy or you get a mental block? Your blog slows to a crawl, and eventually, stops altogether. Maintaining a fitness blog isn’t easy. It takes hard work, time and dedication. In times when your ideas evaporate, you can make use of the unpublished articles you saved to keep the momentum of your blog flowing.

However, if you keep yourself engaged within the industry, your blog will become an extension of your life journey. The more you learn and grow, the more you’ll want to share your experiences with your fans and readers.


To sum up the answer to the real question, the three steps that can make a fitness blog successful are developing great content, channeling it via social media, and doing it consistently for a long time. You can get additional tools such as use an AdWords agency Melbourne to really push your blog and develop a strong brand positioning strategy that will last.

That may not be the supernatural answer you were looking for, but I can guarantee with 100% assurance that if you follow this approach, your blog will be successful.

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What is Blockchain? A Game Changer.

The dispersed ledger technologies, widely known as Blockchain, has the capability to remove enormous quantities of record-keeping, save money and interrupt IT in a way not seen since the introduction of the internet.

What’s blockchain?

First of All, Blockchain is a public digital ledger – like a relational database – which may be openly shared among different consumers which generate an unchangeable listing of the trades, every one is time-stamped and connected into the preceding one. Every digital document or trade in the ribbon is known as a block (thus the title), also it permits either an open or controlled group of consumers to take part in the digital ledger. Each block is related to a particular participant.

Blockchain is operated through the permission of the participants from the machine, and if new information is entered, it may not be deleted. The blockchain includes a true and accurate record of each and every trade ever made in the computer system.

While it has huge potential, blockchain technology is in its developing stages and CIO’s and their business counterparts must be aware of possible bumps and reverses in introducing its technologies including the likelihood of critical bugs in the program.

By way of Example, among the most widespread blockchain platforms, Ethereum, does not encourage the use of decimal points in its own script to get clever (self-executing) contracts. Those coding a blockchain system would have to come up with a way to work around this annoying glitch.

While some business groups are working toward standardizing variations of blockchain, in addition, there are approximately 200 start-ups working in their own variations of their dispersed ledger technology.

Why is blockchain now generating a lot of hype? Because of Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the highly talked about cryptocurrency, a way of making payments within a network that uses digital pieces and encryption. It had been the first ever decentralized one when it was made in 2009. Other kinds of cryptocurrency or digital currency, for example Ether, also have sprung up and have started new places for cross-border financial exchanges.

What exactly does blockchain do?

Blockchain databases are a peer-to-peer community incorporating the time-stamping server, blockchain can be used to transfer data between separate parties without the need to use an administrator. Customers will be the secretary without an intermediary.

Furthermore, blockchain networks may be used to get “smart contracts,” or scripts which automatically execute when specific conditions are satisfied. By way of instance, consumers of Ethereum’s Ether exchange has to fulfill pre-determined requirements that prove somebody possesses the cryptocurrency and possess jurisdiction to deliver the money that they claim to get. Additionally, multiple blockchain users may create contracts which need more than 1 pair of inputs to activate a trade.

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High-rise Buildings Built Like an iPhone

The world’s real estate crisis has many causes, but there is a stubbornly relentless one that we must have had the ability to fix by now: productivity.

We live in an age where innovation plays a main function in every element of our lives; even in the work that we do. This has resulted in numerous patterns within the office such as IoT and BYOD. But, regardless of the development in innovation and the simplification of jobs, there still appears to be an issue with efficiency. This isn’t really just a second or third world issue. The space between innovation and efficiency prevails even amongst the world’s biggest economies, especially in the construction industry of slab crane hire in South Australia.

There is no doubt that the change that innovation offers the business arena is remarkable. This is accepted by all. Nevertheless, there are no dividends on the efficiency end of the spectrum in spite of such an improvement. When provided with the concern of how the advancement in company workflows affected users, specialists from different sectors reacted with basically the exact same experience.

For example, in the health sector, digitizing client records was viewed as a “discouraging” requirement. Physicians grumbled that they invested more of their time connecting with a digital user interface than a client. There were also grievances about how innovation was in fact taking some time from clients, which is the reverse of exactly what health professionals want. Comparable feedback originated from other fields such as education, where teachers felt strained with finding out ways to use a variety of technological tools to perform online education. A lot of them really see innovation as a barrier.

The essential obstacle here is to recognize locations where manual participation from the user happens. Users wish to prevent playing an active function in enhancing digital change. This is particularly real for users who are technically challenged and tradies that just want to provide hot water service repairs and fix blocked plumbing and drains. These people want innovation to look after itself and make their life much easier. Ideally, the introduction of IoTs will alter this. IoT lowers intricacy by linking users and their gadgets. The information created allows designers to understand more about the user and how they communicate with innovation. This causes a much better understanding of how interactive workflows can be established to lower user interaction.

As rates of parts and products for basically each physical item – vehicles, mobile phones and clothes to name a few – have dropped in the process of a crane hire and drake low loader leasing and ordering shipments of concrete, it still costs excessively to construct a building. Over the past 60 years, performance in production has increased eightfold while staying essentially flat in building and construction, stated Jan Mischke, a senior fellow at McKinsey Global Institute who specialises in facilities and real estate.

Gizmos like iPhones, each the very same, take advantage of economies of scale, but that’s more difficult to attain with structures, which should fit the websites they are built on. As usual, technologists believe they have an option. They are restoring remarkably old concepts in building and construction, consisting of prefabrication and modular structure. But do not think “trailer park”. This time, they’re using all the logistics and IT knowledge acquired from developing the worldwide supply chains that provide mobile phones, and all the automation originated by the automobile and other production markets. Yes, robotics might be changing more employees, but a minimum of this ought to develop more budget friendly real estate.

Katerra, a building start-up, has raised $US221 million at an appraisal north of $US1 billion, and it forecasts approximately $US500m in profits this year. It is, in some ways, the standard-bearer of this brand-new, tech-focused wave of interest in structure. The business has a 18,580 sq m factory in Phoenix where it makes entire walls, consisting of all the windows, insulation, electrical circuitry and general plumbing or gas installations. Katerra uses an incorporated, computer-aided design-and-manufacturing system that talks the factory’s automated saws and routers the best ways to produce all the buildings’ parts. The exact same system links to job-site cranes that raise and position the completed panels.

Katerra ships the walls to building and construction sites, where they’re snapped together like Lego bricks. The business’s objective is to construct 7 more factories within 2 years, each planned to serve a various geographical location. Katerra’s chairman and creator, Michael Marks, who was formerly president of customer electronic devices producing huge Flextronics, claimed that that will cover the entire United States. Katerra is accountable for its structures from style to last building, which is said to enable cutting more expenses. In customer electronic devices, “style for manufacturability” – the reconfiguring of a gadget’s shape and function to make it more affordable to develop – is basic. Another thing Katerra obtains from that market: purchasing products wholesale.

The highest modular high-rise ever developed was finished in the Prospect Heights area of Brooklyn in November 2016 by Forest City Ratner. At the job’s busiest, up to 200 individuals were building and ending up specific “mods” – 3 for each one-bedroom house, states Bob Sanna, executive vice-president of building and construction.

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How to Create a Web Site in 7 Measures

Constructing your own site may seem like an intimidating task, particularly in the event that you’ve got no previous web design experience. Although it’s correct that in the event you will need an extremely large or complicated site you will surely wish to utilize an experienced professional web design company, the truth is that for several smaller and simple websites, you might indeed be in a position to do this work yourself!

All these seven steps can help guide you in creating your site.

Measure 1: Hosting Your Website

Internet hnosting resembles leasing for your site, such as the web pages, pictures, files, and other tools required to show this website. Web hosting utilises an internet server, and this is where you place the site resources so others may get access through the internet. It’s possible to build a fully operational site on your personal computer, but if you would like other folks to have the ability to see it, then you’ll have to use an internet host.

You will find various kinds of web hosting choices you may select from, and while lots of brand new internet providers may gravitate to free web hosting, there may be considerable drawbacks to those searching providers, such as:

  • You will get less server area where your pages will be saved. Based upon the dimensions of your website and the resources it requires (video, sound, pictures, etc), that storage area might not be adequate.
  • You might be asked to run advertisements on your website.
  • There could be bandwidth limitations that might be overly restrictive if you receive a good deal of traffic. Sometimes, in case you exceed your monthly limit, then they might even turn off your site.
  • There are occasionally limits on the sorts of articles you can put on a free hosting provider. As an instance, some do not allow Ecommerce sites.
  • Some free hosting providers tack on upkeep and renewal charges for their “free” accounts.

Be sure to read all of the fine print before you set your site on any hosting company.

Free Hosting providers might wind up being great enough for analysing web pages or for very small, private sites, but for much more professional website design, you must expect to cover at least a nominal fee for this service.

Measure 2: Registering a Domain Name

A domain title is a favourable URL individuals can type in their browser to get to your site. A few examples of domains include:

  • about.com
  • gov
  • pumpkin-king.com

A domain title offers valuable branding to your website and makes it much easier for visitors to remember how to access to it.

Domain names or titles normally cost between $35 and $35 annually and they may be used at numerous sites online. Oftentimes, you may get domain name registration and web hosting services in precisely the identical supplier, which makes it easier for you.

Measure 3: Planning Your Site

When planning your site, you’ll have to earn numerous significant choices:

  • The kind of website you require. Is that a news or informational website, a website for mortgage brokers, a business or service, a non-profit or cause-driven website, an Ecommerce store, etc? Every one of such website has a slightly different focus which will influence its layout.
  • Navigation layout: Just how users will proceed to your website affects its data architecture in addition to the total usability of the website. Plan the pages out make a site, and produce a navigational structure from that point.
  • Content: As they say, “content is king” online. The level of your website’s content will play an essential part in its success. Content is everything that your pages will include, for example text, pictures, video and much more. Before you begin designing or construction web pages, you need to have a very clear plan for the content which those pages will comprise.

Measure 4: Designing and Building Your Site

This is easily the most complicated region of the webpage development procedure and there are numerous themes to know about at this stage, such as:

  • Design Principles: The components of good and proper layout and how to use them on sites.
  • Learning HTML: HyperText Markup Language or HTML is the building blocks of a website page. When there are lots of platforms out there which is going to indicate a webpage’s HTML for you, you will do much better and have a lot more flexibility and management should you understand the fundamentals of HTML.
  • Learning CSS: Cascading Style Sheets dictate the way web pages appear. Learning CSS can help you alter the visual look of a website in order to match the layout needs of a job.
  • Internet Page Editors: Distinct editors will permit you to accomplish various things. HTML and CSS could be written in simple text editors, such as Notepad, or else they may use applications like Adobe Dreamweaver to find some help with the pages you’re creating. You may also opt to utilise a Content Management System to Construct and power your Site.

Measure 5: Publishing Your Site

Publishing your site is an issue of obtaining the pages that you made in step 4 up into the hosting supplier you put up in step 1.

You can do so with either the proprietary tools which come with your hosting service or using normal FTP (File Transfer Protocol) software. Understanding which you may use depends upon your own hosting provider; however, most suppliers must have support for regular FTP.

Contact that hosting provider if you aren’t certain what they do, and don’t, support

Measure 6: Improving Your Site

One of The most desirable methods to publicize your site is through search engine optimization or SEO. This is only because it helps your website to be seen by those that are interested in finding the information, services, or merchandise that your website provides.

You may want to construct your internet content so that it’s attractive to search engines. Moreover, you might want to make certain your website as an entire adheres to search engine best practices.

Additional Techniques to advertise your website include: word of mouth, utilizing email advertising, social networking, and more conventional types of advertisements.

Measure 7: Maintaining Your Site

Maintenance is the most boring portion of website design, but so as to keep your website going well and looking great, it requires regular attention and upkeep.

It is significant to check your website as you are building it, and then again after it has been live for some time.

New devices come out there all of the browsers and time are constantly updating with new criteria and attributes, so routine testing will ensure your site continues to function as anticipated for all those different browsers and devices.

In Addition to routine testing, you need to create fresh content on a regular basis.

Don’t only aim for “longer” articles, but try to make content which is unique, timely, and relevant to the audience that you aim to draw.

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Technology is Helping to Stop Fall Injuries

Technology is Helping to Stop Fall InjuriesEvery second within the U.S., an elderly adult experiences a fall, accounting for at least 27,000 deaths from falling among elderly people, according to the CDC. While falls prevention training helps reduce this statistic it is not a comprehensive solution, fortunately entrepreneurs and researchers alike are utlising technology to hopefully reduce the number significantly in the future. Here are three big breakthroughs in fall prevention technology

Sensor Shoes

A business based in Haifa, Israel, however, is working on a method to prevent those drops in the first location.

B-Shoe Technologies is working on a prototype to get a shoe which senses imbalance in each measure and uses a miniature treadmill-like method to recover equilibrium automatically.

The shoe combines a pressure sensor, a microprocessor, a movement Apparatus, and applications to detect when the consumer could be roll and slipping backward or forward to stop the fall.

B-Shoe Technologies States the prototype is at the very early phases, and that it intends to enter mass production in the following two years, after reducing the design.’

Wearable Devices

A brand new wearable device that forecasts that individuals are more in danger of falls can help prolong the amount of years older men and women are able to spend living independently in their homes. A third of all over-65s have a fall Annually, leading to a yearly health bill of roughly $850 million for equipment like a pressure relief cushion, walking frame and immediate therapy for fall-related health issues. Falls, which frequently lead to accidents like hip fractures, can kick off a more severe deterioration in health and frequently precede admission into a nursing home.

Assessing the risks of a drop helps an older individual and their family develop approaches to prevent injuries but currently, a restricted number of caregivers can be found to take on the risk evaluation.

To help expand the numbers of individuals being analyzed, Dr Stephen Redmond in UNSW’s Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering has developed a brand-new gadget which individuals can use in the home to quantify their risk of falling.

“The device is placed on the hip and it measures acceleration and movement as they perform some daily activities that we scripted for them, like walking three metres or standing up and sitting down five times,” said Dr Redmond.

Healthy Men and Women Can perform the tasks easily but people using a more jittery gait will enrol an irregular rate of acceleration.

By quantifying their motion and also the stability of this motion, a correlation between how secure they are and also the odds of falling is created.

The apparatus was tested on 68 individuals, with 99 percent of evaluations made by the gadget fitting the assessment produced by a human clinician.

Ensuring subjects use the unit correctly and report precise results is a must and therefore the design has had to be refined to ensure self-testers couldn’t beat the machine.

The gadget could also be utilized to Assess the speed of onset of Parkinson’s disease, which also causes a reduction of equilibrium.

V.R Technology

Researchers within America have developed an innovative system that utilizes virtual reality to help prevent falls from discovering and reversing equilibrium impairments in older individuals.

The sense of balance declines in older people, in addition to people that have neuro-degenerative diseases like multiple sclerosis. This also results in greater dependence on visual cues to keep balance and avoid falls.

Researchers in the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) and North Carolina State University (NC State) developed a method to re-establish the visual illusion of losing equilibrium, analyzed on volunteers walking on a treadmill. The participants walked on machines set up before a huge screen depicting a moving hallway.

As every individual walked, lateral oscillations were inserted into the movie imagery, so that the visual surroundings made participants feel like they were swaying back and forth

The investigators utilized 14 cameras to document the rankings of 30 Reflective markers on each volunteer’s thighs, pelvis and back.

In reaction to visual disruptions and perceived loss of equilibrium, the volunteers took shorter or longer measures, as the scientists anticipated. Their trunk and head swayed further sideways with every measure. The variability of those measures — their inclination to change from 1 step to another — increased much more significantly.

Throughout the experiment, the investigators assessed muscles’ capacity to respond to perceived loss of equilibrium and recognized that muscle groups worked to fix it. The researchers discovered that human muscles were exceptionally coordinated in maintaining walking equilibrium.

The scientists’ data provide significant reference dimensions that may be utilized in future clinical processes to discover equilibrium impairments before they begin to cause people to fall. This sort of system may be utilized as a therapeutic tool to help instruct balance-impaired people how to enhance their balance and prevent falls.

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Tech Keynote Tips from Apple’s WWDC Talk

It doesn’t matter if you prefer Microsoft PowerPoint or Apple Keynote to develop and deliver presentations, there is a lot you can learn from Apple’s talks at the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC), let’s take a look at their 2012 WWDC. Many executives took to the stage to unveil new MacBooks, the newest version of the OS X operating system (Mountain Lion), and iOS 6 for cellular devices. All the featured Apple speakers are skilled presenters, but the first half an hour of the keynote provides an MBA course in presentation skills that are suitable even for business coaches. Listed below are eight techniques you can adopt to enhance your very next demonstration.

Grab Attention

Your audience will provide you about 90 minutes to catch their attention. If you are boring right from the gate, then your audience will tune out and it is going to be very tricky to re-engage them as a trusted advisor. Apple always has something up its sleeve. At the WWDC 2012 the audience expected to see Apple CEO Tim Cook open the keynote. Rather they got Siri, the iPhone personal assistant. Siri warmed up the audience, literally, with jokes. A new and enhanced Siri was a part of the demonstration so it made sense that Apple would choose to shine the spotlight on it. Start powerful or you risk losing your audience.


Tech Keynote Tips from Apple’s WWDC TalkAvoid bullet points

There are no bullet points in an Apple presentation. There are photographs, images, and words, but no bullet points. A slide full of bullets and text is the least effective way to provide information. Here is a trick, however. If you would like to show a list of things, for instance, features, benefits, technical specs, etc, put a picture on the remaining side and the listing on the right. It may be beneficial to find a strategic copywriter to do this, although they usually deal in lots of text, they often know how to work their way around an engaging presentation as well. Apple spokespeople do this often in each demonstration. After Tim Cook provided an outline of the seminar, his slide displayed an image of a WWDC badge on the left and a list of five things on the right. If you will need to list things, place them into the right of an image and animate each product separately so they drop into the slide at a time.


Put numbers into context

Tim Cook and other Apple speakers show statistics by placing the numbers into a circumstance that’s related to the audience, which is particularly useful for when business coaches are performing small business coach training. Cook said there were 400 million reports on Apple’s App Store. More impressive, he said, that makes it the shop with the greatest number of credit cards anywhere online. This is a technique that Cook uses quite efficiently, in interviews and demonstrations, Cook will seldom deliver a statistic without including one sentence which puts it into perspective. Other Apple executive corporate speakers do something similar. When vice president Phil Schiller introduced the new MacBook Pro in 2012, he said it was only 0.71 inches.


Instead of allowing the viewers to figure out just how thin that is, Schiller put his finger together with the computer and said, it is thinner than my finger. Never has there been a laptop this thin, this mild, and this powerful for private use. Do not just deliver statistics; place them into context using clever sales copywriting.


Keep number slides simple

Cook delivered lots of impressive data: 400 million accounts on the program store, 650,000 programs, 225,000 programs for the iPad, 30 billion programs downloaded, etc. Whenever Cook said a statistic, the number was the only text on the slide. When Cook explained that 30 billion apps were downloaded from the program shop, his slide read: 30 Billion. Avoid the temptation to mess the slides with extraneous details. Also, think creatively when delivering statistics. Cook reported that Apple had composed $5 billion worth of tests to programmers. When he delivered the statistic, the slide showed the picture of a check made out to ‘programmers,’ in the sum of 5,000,000,000. Important numbers should stand by themselves.


Share the stage

Cook doesn’t dominate the presentation. Instead he presents several characters in the story. In the first half an hour of this presentation the audience heard from Cook, Phil Schiller, many program developers, and Apple designer Jony Ive (Ive and the programmers were shown in movie clips). Several other executives demonstrated new products later in the live demonstration. Can you watch a film with a single character? Why would you expect an audience to enjoy a demonstration with just a single person? If you cannot physically share the stage with someone else from your business, introduce them through video or promote some audience participation. A presentation should not be about you.


Create headlines

Apple does not wait for bloggers to determine what the headline is. Apple creates and provides the headline for all its products. It’s not tough to get the headline. Every new Apple product and key features is summarized in one sentence and the sentence is repeated in the live demonstration and on the homepage of this Apple website. As an instance, when Phil Schiller introduced a brand new MacBook Pro, he advised the audience that Apple engineers had re-envisioned the customer laptop. The Apple.com home page instantly reflected the new message with the words, “Introducing MacBook Pro. It’s a whole new vision for the notebook.”Don’t wait for somebody else to position your product. Do it for them.


Deliver wow moments

Molecular biologist John Medina in the University of Washington Medical School likes to state that the mind doesn’t listen to boring things. An Apple demonstration is never dull. Rather than simply displaying the new MacBook Pro, Phil Schiller built it up by showing a slide using a laptop computer draped beneath a black curtain, this is the most beautiful computer We have ever produced, Schiller said when he finally revealed the laptop. Don’t be dull. A little drama never hurts.


Inspire your audience

Like his Predecessor and mentor, Steve Jobs, Cook does not only sell products; he enjoys inspiring his audience too, after all, he is considered one of the top business advisors. After delivering several impressive statistics, Cook said, what we do together is much more important than any set of numbers could ever reflect. Our aim has always been to do good work and also to make a difference in people’s lives. Nothing makes us happier than to see countless thousands of programmers around the globe using our hardware and software to make and discuss their latest, best ideas. Cook then introduced a video showing examples of special programs making a difference in people’s lives. At the conclusion of the demonstration, Cook commented, we’re so proud of those products. Finally, it is why people come to work at Apple, to create products that empower individuals, to make a difference. The products we make, together with the programs you produce, essentially change the world. A Fantastic presentation delivers information efficiently. A fantastic presentation inspires, and this was just in 2012. Apple have continued to innovate and find new ways to impress and engage their audience at the annual Apple WWDC.

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Advanced Tech for Life Insurance Online

Advanced Tech for Life Insurance OnlineThe CUNA Mutual Group, which offers life insurance policies online or over the telephone in minutes, has composed more than $500 million in policies in under a year by its TruStage Simplified-Issue Term Life Insurance, winning a Model Insurer Award from Celent, the financial technology research team. The Model Insurer Awards recognize how insurers are using technologies like business computer support and private cloud computing to change the face of the business. Donald Light, manager of Celent states that the Model Insurer Award winners combine best practice implementations with significant impacts on business results. The entrance from TruStage demonstrated both facets.

Founded over 80 years ago by credit union leaders looking to provide insurance to credit union members and others in the American mid-market, whom it always refers to as hard-working, CUNA Mutual Group established the TruStage online term life insurance policy in November 2016 as one of the first insurers into the market with a term life insurance product that customers can purchase entirely online. The typical TruStage buyer is in her mid-forties (60 percent are female), makes $58,000 and buys roughly $50,000 to $55,000 in insurance, said Susan Sachatello, senior vice president in TruStage. This is the customer they were planning for.

It’s also a customer that a builders and home indemnity insurance company with a traditional salesforce and older, expensive legacy technology may have difficulty reaching profitably. CUNA Mutual Group utilizes Ebix, a worldwide fintech firm which digitizes all of the information and issues the policy and RGA for underwriting and scoring. Many of CUNA’s prospective clients know little about insurance and anticipate It to be 250 percent more costly than it truly is, said Sachatello. The business has developed a sales process to give a modest digital hand-holding. So the first question CUNA Mutual asks for is the beneficiary’s name, which response remains prominently displayed throughout the procedure to remind applicants why they need life insurance.

The next question is if the applicant can’t work because of a chronic medical condition or injury, the next is if the applicant has been diagnosed with any of a list of health conditions and the fourth is a petition for permission to pull the applicant’s prescription history. While the average time to get a carrier to reach a decision on life insurance Is 11 days, CUNA aims for 11 minutes and is hitting goal, Sachatello explained, and that decision simplifies policy. The company is based on its technology partners for the decisions right, she added. Unlike many companies that begin by asking the quantity of coverage an applicant wants, it asks what a customer can afford over time.

They want to celebrate their getting started with security for their family, not make them feel that they are not doing enough. Their held belief is that helping families begins is stepping in to helping them build financial security, and they frequently come back to purchase additional coverage. It provides up to $100,000 but anticipates the upper limit to rise to $300,000 by the end of the year. Additionally, it provides whole life and more complicated policies for people whose preexisting conditions do not qualify them for the Simplified Term Life. “In life insurance, you price once and live with that decision for many years.”

CUNA Mutual Group’s used agile development to design the program for mobile first and is continually searching for ways to enhance it by taking a step further into business IT and cloud computing solutions. Does the company need a complete Social Security number or just the last four digits, for instance. About 75 percent of its policies are auto-decisioned and CUNA expects that to achieve 95 percent by end of year. Some are finished by call center reps that are paid a combination of salary and incentives.

According to Sachatello, their main competition is procrastination. By making the process easy, CUNA helps clients check off one more thing in their household financial planning to-do list. The very real market’s need for clear, affordable and readily accessible life insurance is clearly being met by a rapid adoption of TruStage’s term life product.

Protecting over 18 million members, TruStage insurance products and programs include automobile, home, life, accidental death and dismemberment and health insurance. It is yet to be seen whether constructions and owner builder insurance will be the next leader in utilizing technology to enhance their financial services.

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Mobile Apps for Foodies

Phone apps for foodies

Mobile apps for foodiesWe all know how much technology has helped improve our lives, especially since the smart phone boom. There are apps for just about everything including ordering spare computer parts!  One of the areas I find most interesting is the surge in mobile apps specifically designed for food. It is, after all, something we must do in order to survive. Whether you are a home cook, lover of eating out in restaurants, cafes or pubs, or enjoy eating take away on the comfort of your own couch, there is apps out there to cater for your needs. Here is a brief run down on some of the apps available to download.

For the stay at home chef: Epicurious.

There are so many home-cooking apps available, but Epicurious is probably the best. Epicurious is easily one of the most trusted recipe apps on the market. With it’s well designed user interface, over 30,000 member rated recipes and extra functions such as shopping list manager and voice activated commands to use while you are cooking, it’s easy to see why this is one of the most popular apps out there. It features everything from gourmet delights to easily prepared snacks for cooks of all experiences.

For the health conscious: Lifesum.

Lifesum goes well beyond just helping users track their nutrition as it also allows users to build an all-round healthy lifestyle. Users are able to choose a specifically designed fitness plan, track their food intake and select their health goal, whether it’s toning up, weight loss or general health and fitness. It also allows users to track progress and receive feedback and advice.

Take away foodies: Foodora.

Sometimes we all want the tasty variety of eating out without having to leave the comfort of our own homes. (Especially in the colder months.) There are so many food delivery apps available these days, but one of the best if Foodora. It is unique in that it only features restaurants that serve up high quality food. It also features a handy tracking function that allows the user to know exactly where the order is and how long until it arrives.

Restaurant lovers: Zomato.

Formally known as Urbanspoon, Zomato is extremely popular. Featuring a well-streamlined interface, it allows users to compare restaurants by ratings, cuisine popularity and distance. Users are able to check out menus, read reviews by both food fans and critics, and even browse galleries of food images. It even features a function that allows users to make reservations at particular restaurants. Basically everything you need, especially if dining in a city you are not familiar with.

This is only the tip of the iceberg, so if you are a tech savvy foodie, go online and have a look at all the other meal related apps that are available. All this talking about food is making me hungry. Bon appetite readers.


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Digital Change Obstruction? Automate your Way Around It

Despite the rallying cry of digital improvement, genuine change has traditionally concerned federal government in fits and starts. Some brand-new procedures take advantage of contemporary information-management innovations and effectively drive restricted enhancement, while others tip over at the starting line due to bad combination or inefficient combination of information sources. These failures regularly show an inequality between the functional aspirations of change and the historic truths of the firm where it is being carried out in workforce mobility solutions and systems.

Year’s worth of paper records do not simply vanish over night – as well as when they are effectively digitised, they are frequently handled using manually-intensive procedures that have actually changed little bit for many years. This conceptual disconnection civil servant from taking advantage of more recent techniques of info organisation and access. It can also own a two-speed development where structured info and disorganized details are dealt with in various methods. This can produce insufficient results and develop brand-new issues when employees cannot access the info they require, in the way they want.

Program me some discipline

To be clear, disorganized info is generally created in the lack of a pre-defined information design or architecture that permits it to be classified and indexed as it is produced. Structured details, generally produced in a software system, might have guidelines and meanings used, but these often vary between items and setups, particularly when personalized without an asset tracking system.

As an information-centric pursuit, federal governments have obviously utilized various sorts of business file and records management systems (EDRMS) for years. A development for their time, such systems have withstood as a foundation of authorities records and interactions, even as brand-new applications throughout e-mail, file transfers as well as Twitter have all got in the general public sector office.

The discomfort point for senior supervisors at the coalface of federal government who are now handling digital change needs is that the myriad of applications, systems and formats do not constantly play well together – unless a mindful effort is made to wrangle them into a type that empowers users instead of including work. Fortunately that accomplishing easy, regulated and auditable access to info management systems does not imply needing to run a pricey rip-and-replace workout thanks to smart organisation procedure automation services that include sound governance abilities.

Automatic for individuals

Automation of organisation and detail procedures using a procedural governance structure does not provide much better access, effectiveness and expense control, it decreases crucial threats of mistake and maladministration. And it restores important money and time to firms that can be released in locations with the best result.

Governance is a vital factor to consider when it pertains to any federal government organisation that handles guidelines or that is bound by compliance requirements to preserve openness and responsibility. What actually counts when it pertains to getting agile automated testing and general automation is to get on top of how you organisation actually works. Automation will give access to and power over info back to its owners, but exactly what turbocharges it is a company and frank evaluation of exactly what business procedures are at play – and their concern.

For numerous federal government organisations this can be a reflective workout that distils down exactly what a wanted result or end point might be, instead of taking a look at how things have actually been done formerly – particularly when mobile gain access to and cloud-based systems have actually ended up being requirements. Numerous popular customer platforms and services, specifically for storage, interaction and sharing are fantastic for house and household but inadequate for usage cases that require safe and secure, validated and guaranteed access to provenance and versioning. Just believe courts, hospitals and personal records and case files that have not considered a software testing course with ict risk mitigation.

Detailed enhancement

Automation definitely allows great governance at scale and there is a lot of experienced business knowledge offered to make it work rapidly and efficiently. Professionals like Goal Corporation, an ASX-listed professional in federal government options, has been at the leading edge of helping firms weave together their diverse systems to develop available and cohesive workflows throughout jurisdictions and portfolios.

A crucial suggestion made when starting an automation and improvement journey is for stakeholders to release a staged enhancement strategy that uses an iterative ‘test-as-you-go’ technique that enables procedures to be evaluated, confirmed and enhanced. “Flexibility should be provided where necessary by leveraging workflow applications that are agile enough to support exception handling and dynamic case management,” Goal’s finest practice paper on company procedure automation and excellent governance observes. “This removes the traditional rigid confines of business process management, allowing process managers to add workflow options, or support ad hoc jumps from one step in the process to another to meet changing needs.”


From discomfort indicate reward

Any financial investment in change, whether for compliance or performance (and they’re not equally unique) still requires recognition and metrics to stand-up a company case. Here once again there is strong proof.

Carrying out a procedure governance structure can produce 43% faster consumer reaction times, 40% enhanced performance and 38% enhanced compliance according to a whitepaper assembled by AIIM, a worldwide not-for-profit market think tank that taps the knowledge of Business Material Management and Social Company Systems user neighborhoods and providers with access to a worldwide expert neighborhood of more than 190,000 people.

It’s that calibre of enhancement that’s specific to keep pressure on companies to hone their great details governance game, both from policymakers above and people listed below. Even in general communities, because of excellent self-governance, automated virtual tutoring services have become a strong source of education for young people to find a tutor online. In all areas, automation has helped enhance businesses processes, both private and public and from higher levels to lower levels of bureaucracy.

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